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Before 'AEnima,' we were just following our gut. There was a lot of anger in the air and we never tried to control that. But just as we mature as humans, with 'AEnima' we tried to be fueled more by spiritual ideas or more of a conscious mode of aiming things in the right place or trying to take more responsibility for our art.

- Danny Carey

Photo by Claudio Testa on Unsplash

Before 'AEnima,' we were just following our gut. There was a lot of anger in the air and we never tried to control that. But just as we mature as humans, with 'AEnima' we tried to be fueled more by spiritual ideas or more of a conscious mode of aiming things in the right place or trying to take more responsibility for our art.

- Danny Carey

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The scientist is motivated primarily by curiosity and a desire for truth.

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