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Well I am not really a conventional mom at all. Like I had my kids really young. I had Danny when I was 18 or 19 and then Liam when I was 23 and Molly I had when I was a little older.

- Monica Potter

Photo by Thomas Kelley on Unsplash

Well I am not really a conventional mom at all. Like I had my kids really young. I had Danny when I was 18 or 19 and then Liam when I was 23 and Molly I had when I was a little older.

- Monica Potter

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Across the board... Not junkies or freaks, but people who were just as comfortable with drugs like weed, booze, or coke as we are - and we're not weird, are we? Hell no, we're just overworked professionals who need to relax now and then, have a bit of the whoop and the giggle, right?

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