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Life isn't fair, it's just fairer than death, that's all.

- Unknown

Photo by Philipp Torres on Unsplash

Life isn't fair, it's just fairer than death, that's all.

- Unknown

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Dzieje kultury wykazuj?, ze g?upota jest siostr? bli?niacz? rozumu, ona ro?nie najbujniej nie na glebie dziewiczej ignorancji , lecz na gruncie uprawnym si?dmym potem doktor?w i profesor?w. Wielkie absurdy nie s? wymy?lane przez tych, kt?rych rozum krz?ta si? wok?? spraw codziennych. Nic dziwnego zatem, ?e w?a?nie najintensywniejsi my?liciele bywali producentami najwi?kszego g?upstwa. / The history of culture shows that foolishness is a twin sister of wisdom. It does not flourish on the fields of pure ignorance but on the fields tirelessly plowed by doctors and professors. Great absurdities do not flourish where one is busy with everyday life. No wonder that sometimes most vigorous thinkers come up with utmost stupidities. (Dziennik 1956, XIX, Thursday)

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