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Woe unto all who have walked by the water but not gotten wet, for the sea of tears is now dry, and all who try to fill their bowls will know thirst.
- John PeasePhoto by Daniela Izotenko on Unsplash
Woe unto all who have walked by the water but not gotten wet, for the sea of tears is now dry, and all who try to fill their bowls will know thirst.
- John PeaseThe woman looked her in the eyes. She never moved her lips, but Vera could...
Reveal yourself, demon, and shed your mortal guise, for I see you plainly. I...
Because if evil like that is real, then God has to be real too.
Go and find shelter, for now is the time of the Horse Men, and they give no...
Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results when, in fact, the results never change, is one definition of insanity. That goes for economics, too.
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