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Money is a human invention. When we work without being shackled by economic considerations, we work to the best of our abilities, we deliver High-Performance. Then we are creative and resourceful, we follow our Bliss, we are truly happy. This happens because Life wants us to be happy doing what we love doing. This does not mean money is not important. It is. But we must learn to treat money only as an important resource. And we must learn to live Life fully despite either its presence or absence. This, as we understand it, is intelligent living!

- AVIS Viswanathan

Photo by Gabriel Jimenez on Unsplash

Money is a human invention. When we work without being shackled by economic considerations, we work to the best of our abilities, we deliver High-Performance. Then we are creative and resourceful, we follow our Bliss, we are truly happy. This happens because Life wants us to be happy doing what we love doing. This does not mean money is not important. It is. But we must learn to treat money only as an important resource. And we must learn to live Life fully despite either its presence or absence. This, as we understand it, is intelligent living!

- AVIS Viswanathan

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If you create something, you don't want someone else to go and profit from it; you have your right to make a living and everything. So I respect copyright. What I don't respect is copyright extremism. And I what I don't respect is a business model that encourages piracy.

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