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Today, we have private airline companies, but if you take a look at a Boeing plane next time you travel, you'll see that you are basically taking a ride on a modified bomber.
The more bombers, the less room for doves of peace.
We had periodic crises in this country when the technical intelligence didn't support the policy. We had the bomber gap, the missile gap.
It will be a great day when our schools have all the money they need, and our air force has to have a bake-sale to buy a bomber.
Vivir es contradecirse. Equivocarse sin saberlo y saberlo luego. Mudar de piel, de estatura, de peinado, de criterio. Funciona en el plazo largo y en el vuelo corto, no hay forma de anticipar qu? viene ni de entender qu? pasa, cualquier intento de an?lisis es como cerrar una maleta sent?ndose en ella, cualquier pretensi?n de imparcialidad se frustra con la urgencia. La tentaci?n no es mentir: es concluir. Una pavesa inflamada cruza la estancia frente al ventanuco abierto, ?hace acaso falta m?s para confirmar el incendio? Para colgar al pir?mano. Para convertir en h?roe al bombero. Cae otra esquirla y ya son dos las marcas en el suelo, dos puntos para inventarse una recta que, al prolongarse, promete una meta segura en alg?n lugar del futuro. S?lo que cae otra esquirla. Fuera del patr?n so?ado. La recta ya no vale. Toca reimaginar el cuento".
A crude age. Peace is stabilized with cannon and bombers, humanity with concentration camps and pogroms. We're living in a time when all standards are turned upside-down, Kern. Today the aggressor is the shepherd of peace, and the beaten and hunted are the troublemakers of the world. What's more, there are whole races who believe it!
We had periodic crises in this country when the technical intelligence didn't support the policy. We had the bomber gap the missile gap.
The more bombers the less room for doves of peace.
It will be a great day when our schools have all the money they need and our air force has to have a bake-sale to buy a bomber.
I am so sick of reading about another car bomb another suicide bomber another 10 20 30 70 100 people dead in a day both Americans and Iraqis.
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