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Search For corrupting In Quotes 7

There is nothing more agreeable in life than to make peace with the Establishment - and nothing more corrupting.

There is nothing more corrupting, nothing more destructive of the noblest and finest feelings of our nature, than the exercise of unlimited power.

A man who fails is funny... if my sketches teach anything, it is that, for the male, sex is a snare and a delusion. What's so corrupting about that?

Forgiveness is created by the restitution of the abuser; of the wrongdoer. It is not something to be squeeeeeezed out of the victim in a further act of conscience-corrupting abuse.

You're still here. No beer. I'm not corrupting a minor.

There is nothing more agreeable in life than to make peace with the Establishment - and nothing more corrupting.

There is nothing more corrupting nothing more destructive of the noblest and finest feelings of our nature than the exercise of unlimited power.

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We know from the material that was recovered from the bin Laden compound that bin Laden was looking at the 10th anniversary of 9/11 as an opportunity to strike yet again at the U.S. homeland.

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