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The first thing which I can record concerning myself is, that I was born. These are wonderful words. This life, to which neither time nor eternity can bring diminution - this everlasting living soul, began. My mind loses itself in these depths.
I am deeply concerned with the diminution of the teaching strength of the country as a result of the disproportionately low salaries that are paid to teachers throughout the country.
In some ways, I missed my era because I'm big and messy and have big feelings and take up space on a stage rather than being diminutive and childlike in my woman-ness.
Every diminution of the liberty of the press is followed by a diminution of civilization. Wherever we see the freedom of the press interfered with, there we see the nutrition of the human family interrupted.
We do not commonly see in a tax a diminution of freedom, and yet it clearly is one.
I hate 'foodie' because it's cute, like pretty much all diminutives associated with eating. 'Veggies,' 'sammies,' 'parm.' I eat food, and I cook it: it's for eating, preferably with friends, and I don't make a fetish out of it.
"Essas duas hist?rias - a do lado de dentro e a do lado de fora - podem ser contadas sobre cada um de n?s. Ao cham?-las de 'hist?rias' n?o pretendo diminu?-las. Algumas s?o, apesar de tudo, verdadeiras. O problema ? que temos muita dificuldade em ver como ambas as hist?rias que contamos sobre n?s podem ser verdadeiras. O efeito da segunda hist?ria, aquela contada do lado de fora, parece uma dr?stica realoca??o do nosso papel na trama. Longe de sermos o personagem principal da hist?ria, estamos reduzidos a um figura??o. A hist?ria do lado de dentro gira ao nosso redor, mas na outra hist?ria cada um de n?s ? apenas um simples personagem em meio a muitos outros, um personagem cuja entrada em cena ? determinada por outras pessoas e que n?o tem nenhum controle real sobre a hora da sua sa?da do palco. As coisas que impulsinam nossas vidas, as coisas que queremos, nossos planos, projetos e metas - aquilo que podemos chamar de nossa motiva??o - s?o o resultado de for?as que n?o controlamos. Aparentemente, nosso papel foi escrito por outra pessoa. Temos pouco controle sobre o seu conte?do e n?o temos a menos ideia de qual ? o seu sentido.
I am deeply concerned with the diminution of the teaching strength of the country as a result of the disproportionately low salaries that are paid to teachers throughout the country.
Every diminution of the public burdens arising from taxation gives to individual enterprise increased power and furnishes to all the members of our happy confederacy new motives for patriotic affection and support.
The first thing which I can record concerning myself is that I was born. These are wonderful words. This life to which neither time nor eternity can bring diminution - this everlasting living soul began. My mind loses itself in these depths.
We do not commonly see in a tax a diminution of freedom and yet it clearly is one.
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