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Search For responder In Quotes 10

We are thankful for the sacrifices of the brave emergency responders who risk their own lives to protect the lives and property of their fellow citizens.

As we try to compete in this global marketplace, we need to rebuild our infrastructure. We need to rebuild our schools. We need to make sure that teachers and first responders and veterans who are coming home from serving our country so proudly have jobs waiting for them.

I been living down in Atlanta, but everyone back home has been in my thoughts, especially those doing something for the community and all the neighborhood heroes. I thought about all the first responders putting their lives on the line to help out and it inspired me, so I took a jet back to Chicago to show my thanks.

There is just no substitute for seeing a disaster area firsthand and getting the chance to speak in person to victims and responders.

To mark the 10-year anniversary of 9/11, I wanted to launch an FDNY shirt that pays tribute to the brave first responders who, like my father, risk their lives in the line of duty on a regular basis. All of the proceeds raised from the sale of the T-shirt benefit the New York Police & Fire Widows' & Children's Benefit Fund.

C?mo est? Marta, preguntar? ?l, Cansada, pero bien, responder? yo, y estas palabras tambi?n las andamos diciendo constantemente, no me extra?ar?a nada que cuando transitemos de este mundo hacia el otro todav?a consigamos encontrar fuerzas para responder a alguien que se le ocurra la imb?cil idea de preguntarnos c?mo nos sentimos, Muriendo, pero bien, es lo que diremos.

"You can't feel guilty for doing what's best for you. It's important to hold yourself down, lift yourself up, encourage yourself, and be your own first responder.

If I show up at my own fire, the 'me' who needs to be rescued and the 'me' who's doing the rescuing are both likely to get burnt. And the oddity of it all is that if I choose to be my own first-responder, I can get burnt without a fire.

The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; which means that if the rest of us want to get close to God, we seek them out-not because of what we could possible offer them, as if we're the spiritual first responders on the scene to save the day, but because we recognize how much they have to teach us about who God really is." -Quoted by Sarah Arthur, Author of The One Year Daily Grind.

aquele que quer responder ?s inj?rias com o ?dio vive na tristeza ou na m?goa, aquele que quer vencer o ?dio com o amor combate alegremente e sem temor. Triunfa tanto sobre um grande n?mero de inimigos quanto sobre um ?nico, prescindindo de todo socorro da fortuna. Aqueles a quem ele consegue vencer ficam alegres por terem sido derrotados; e, derrotados, eles n?o s?o menos fortes; ao contr?rio, s?o mais fortes.

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History will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition was not the strident clamor of the bad people, but the appalling silence of the good people.

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