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Search For sangre In Quotes 1

Desde hace cinco a?os, no existe ya en esta tierra una ma?ana sin agon?as, una noche sin c?rceles, un mediod?a sin carnicer?as. S?, nos hemos visto obligados a seguirles a ustedes. Pero nuestra dif?cil haza?a estribaba en seguirles en la guerra, sin olvidar la felicidad. Y, a trav?s de los clamores y la violencia, intent?bamos conservar en el coraz?n el recuerdo de un mar feliz, de una colina jam?s olvidada, la sonrisa de un rostro amado. Al propio tiempo, era nuestra mejor arma, la que no rendiremos jam?s. Porque el d?a en que la perdi?ramos, estar?amos tan muertos como ustedes. Sencillamente, sabemos ahora que las armas de la felicidad exigen mucho tiempo y demasiada sangre para ser forjadas.

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O how incomprehensible everything was, and actually sad, although it was also beautiful. One knew nothing. One lived and ran about the earth and rode through forests, and certain things looked so challenging and promising and nostalgic: a star in the evening, a blue harebell, a reed-green pond, the eye of a person or a cow. And sometimes it seemed that something never seen yet long desired was about to happen, that a veil would drop from it all, but then it passed, nothing happened, the riddle remained unsolved, the secret spell unbroken, and in the end one grew old and looked cunning . . . or wise . . . and still one knew nothing perhaps, was still waiting and listening.

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