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Enlightenment is when you realize that you are nothing but consciousness and you exist without existence.
Love is your being; love is the proof of your existence.
...I realize that lessons are meant to be learned, honored even, or else you can spend your life running so far from them that you erect a false existence around the very thing you should be embracing.
One of the liabilities of being a deep thinker, Wyatt mused, was that it left him vulnerable to existential crises.
Existe una cosa muy misteriosa, pero muy cotidiana. Todo el mundo participa de ella, todo el mundo la conoce, pero muy pocos se paran a pensar en ella. Casi todos se limitan a tomarla como viene, sin hacer preguntas. Esta cosa es el tiempo. Hay calendarios y relojes para medirlo, pero eso significa poco, porque todos sabemos que, a veces, una hora puede parecernos una eternidad, y otra, en cambio, pasa en un instante.
Time is a train of opportunity, empty wagons in the space of existence; our existence is actually the effort of putting materials, values into these empty wagons, spaces of time
The comforting thing about feeling lonely is that every thing that has ever existed also knows what loneliness feels like too.
Just because you can't have the life you wanted, you shouldn't give up and fade out of existence. That's how we become living ghosts-by never moving on.
Life is the ultimate demonstration of God's existence.
The more you try to escape from your problems, the more you become entangled with them and you create new problems that are not existed in the first place. Never run away from your problems, face them
We say that a human being is a person and a distinctive, fixed self with a name and a life. He has an identity. But what is this self really made of, except from the basic elements such as hydrogen, carbon, oxygen, phosphorus etc. and their subatomic particles? If a person is a specific, static, unchanged entity and existence, then what if an accident or a disease completely alters his body features? What if fear or madness changes his thoughts and perceptions? If dementia takes away his memories, or if drugs alter his emotions? And what if life circumstances, good or bad luck, modify his motives, his plans and his desires? Is it still the person we say he is? Or is selfhood a ghost, a useful fiction of the brain? An ever-shifting kaleidoscope of thoughts, feelings and perceptions? Flashes of hopes and desires? A bundle of alternating opinions and ideologies, of conflicting instincts and urges? If we take away all these from him, what would be left behind? If every drop of the ocean evaporates, is not the whole ocean gone? The immutable selfhood is a very old illusion and the last of illusions we 're going to abandon; if we ever will?
How can we measure expression when words and art are all we have to define our existence in this world? Creativity has no edges or borders, only curves. @reenadossauthor
Al margen del par?ntesis en el pulso constante que manten?amos desde que nos hab?amos conocido, yo cre?a seguir teniendo claro lo que me conven?a. Hubiera firmado en ese mismo instante por una aventura de una noche con alg?n tipo guapo y amable, algo que devolviera mi coraz?n a la vida, que me mostrara que los para siempre no existen pero los aqu? y ahora no est?n tan mal. Porque seguir esperando el amor perfecto me resultaba pueril y ya hab?a descubierto que la ingenuidad solo se traduce en dolor y heridas que nunca terminan de cicatrizar.
Knowledge of self is the core means by which we come to shape an existence that coincides with the core aims and aspirations of our lives.
Humanity's existence implies a necessity for flaw.
It is not feasible to influence our existence if we do not know what we wish to obtain from the world.
It is necessary for us to incur mistakes to refine the intricate art of existence.
The harsh reality of our existence is that we will forever face times where we will need to partake in both enjoyable and unenjoyable activity.
I'm inspired by love, by the moments that we commit to something with all our heart - be it a person, a project, an animal, anything really. It's undeniably inspiring, that acknowledgment of existence, that I love, that I care. That fills me with purpose.
His (Samuel Coleridge) dark senses were constantly in play, the frustration of them bringing illness. Weather and organic nature combined in a synaesthetic multi-media event, and this was the ground of all perception before it was divded up in daily living: the Primary Imagination giving way to the Secondary. Poetry was forever seeking a conscious return to this state, which existed all the time, whether he knew it or not.
Creation is bringing potential into being, bringing Inspirational into action. Inspirational and action are nothing when they are apart. Inspirational feels like a great a wondrous thing, but if it is not manifested, it is as if it never existed. Likewise, action without Inspirational has no purpose. It is only when they are together as one that they are truly something.
The short space of threescore years can never content the imagination of man; nor can the imperfect joys of this world satisfy his heart. Man alone, of all created beings, displays a natural contempt of existence, and yet a boundless desire to exist; he scorns life, but he dreads annihilation. These different feelings incessantly urged his soul to the contemplation of a future state, and religion directs his musings thither. Religion, then, is simply another form of hope; and it is no less natural to the human heart than hope itself.
For the scientist, at exactly the moment of discovery-that most unstable existential moment-the external world, nature itself, deeply confirms his innermost fantastic convictions. Anchored abruptly in the world, Leviathan gasping on his hook, he is saved from extreme mental disorder by the most profound affirmation of the real.
Pay attention to the intricate patterns of your existence that you take for granted.
It's correct that I wanted health reform to do more to create choices and promote competition.
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