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Marriage is the highest state of friendship. If happy, it lessens our cares by dividing them, at the same time that it doubles our pleasures by mutual participation.
Good fellowship and friendship are lasting, rational and manly pleasures.
Friendship is the source of the greatest pleasures, and without friends even the most agreeable pursuits become tedious.
If it's very painful for you to criticize your friends - you're safe in doing it. But if you take the slightest pleasure in it, that's the time to hold your tongue.
In the sweetness of friendship let there be laughter, and sharing of pleasures. For in the dew of little things the heart finds its morning and is refreshed.
I have never been able to renounce the light, the pleasure of being, and the freedom in which I grew up.
Pleasure and freedom from pain, are the only things desirable as ends.
Freedom is a man's natural power of doing what he pleases, so far as he is not prevented by force or law.
May we think of freedom, not as the right to do as we please, but as the opportunity to do what is right.
My husband was a serial adulterer, and there was nothing I could do about it: no questions I could ask him, no argument I could have with him, no explanation he could give me or pleas he could make for forgiveness.
If there are occasions when my grape turned into a raisin and my joy bell lost its resonance, please forgive me. Charge it to my head and not to my heart.
Truly, love is delightful and pleasant food, supplying, as it does, rest to the weary, strength to the weak, and joy to the sorrowful. It in fact renders the yoke of truth easy and its burden light.
Food can offer a moment of pure emotional pleasure in an otherwise hard and difficult world.
I love everything about food; if you took it away you would be depriving me of one of my greatest pleasures. I love the whole process of it - buying it, cooking it, eating it, talking about it, talking over it.
Anyone who's a chef, who loves food, ultimately knows that all that matters is: 'Is it good? Does it give pleasure?'
Going to a restaurant is one of my keenest pleasures. Meeting someplace with old and new friends, ordering wine, eating food, surrounded by strangers, I think is the core of what it means to live a civilised life.
When I eat with my friends, it is a moment of real pleasure, when I really enjoy my life.
It's difficult to think anything but pleasant thoughts while eating a homegrown tomato.
I am particularly pleased to see that the Bendheim Center for Finance is thriving.
People used to ask me for advice, and I'd say, 'Please, don't ask me!' Yes, I did economics at Oxford, but that's not the same as having a broad knowledge of personal finance.
You may be educated abroad, you may be a great scientist, politician, but you always have a sneaking fear that if you don't go to temples or do the ordinary things that you have been told to do, something evil might happen, so you conform. What happens to the mind that conforms? Investigate it, please.
When one has the feeling of dislike for evil, when one feels tranquil, one finds pleasure in listening to good teachings; when one has these feelings and appreciates them, one is free of fear.
Identifying and overcoming natural fear is one of the pleasing struggles intrinsic to climbing.
To have a great man for an intimate friend seems pleasant to those who have never tried it; those who have, fear it.
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