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Chase muttered the likes of "Come on, you big bitch." However, Billy stood on the bridge like a sentry, quiet and focused. His body was at the helm, but I could tell his mind was swimming beside this great fish. I could picture these two physically imposing creatures staring each other down, neither one willing to blink, both animals stubborn and hardened by decades of being on the reef.

I've concluded that one of the significant reasons that meditation works is that it consists of withdrawing our attention, and thus our human energy from a concern, allowing Spiritual energy, which is always there (Omnipresence) to flow in and animate the moment.

Man does not tame and control the horse because he is strong, but because he is smarter than the animal.

What are we without principles, nothing but a bag of animal flesh.

Nature's full of things that aren't good or bad. They just are. Storms, sun, lightning, animals. There are a lot of forces that are neutral, but when they fall into certain hands they can become good or bad. It depends on how the user wants to use them. You can train a dog to be friendly or mean.

When you see others, see their light. See their energizing, animating energy. You can do this. See what it is that makes this person different than if you were looking at their lifeless corps. See your inner light in them.

If you kill animals unnecessarily, how can you get love from God? Remember, he who created you also created those animals

People have been on earth in our present form for only about 100,000 years, and in so many ways we're still ironing out our kinks. These turtles we've been traveling with, they outrank us in longevity, having earned three more zeros than we. They've got one hundred million years of success on their resume, and they've learned something about how to survive in the world. And this, I think, is part of it: they have settled upon peaceful career paths, with a stable rhythm. If humans could survive another one hundred million years, I expect we would no longer find ourselves riding bulls. It's not so much that I think animals have rights; it's more that I believe humans have hearts and minds- though I've yet to see consistent, convincing proof of either. Turtles may seem to lack sense, but they don't do senseless things. They're not terribly energetic, yet they do not waste energy? turtles cannot consider what might happen yet nothing turtles do threatens anyone's future. Turtles don't think about the next generation, but they risk and provide all they can to ensure that there will be one. Meanwhile, we profess to love our own offspring above all else, yet above all else it is they from whom we daily steal. We cannot learn to be more like turtles, but from turtles we could learn to be more human. That is the wisdom carried within one hundred million years of survival. What turtles could learn from us, I can't quite imagine.

I'd always thought I would feel like an animal released from its cage when my student days were finished, I felt more like a bird that had been pushed from its nest and told it must fly.

The problem with thick skin is that it leaves you impervious to the sharpest of pins. Everything becomes dull. But without that sense of pain, there cannot be that sense of relief. Ultimately, the thickened skin leaves you numb, incapable of feeling the highs and lows of life. It leaves you rough like a rock and just as inanimate.

When I go into the forest, I don't go there expecting to see any animal. I go there just to enjoy the wilderness. Any picture I get is a bonus.

The life is false. It's just death reanimated. Life may spring from death, but it's tainted. There's no escape from the remains of the dead.

Life is more than just survival. If you are struggling to just survive, then life has no significance, even birds, animals, all creatures survive without any worry. Why are you just worrying about survival

Other Animals Live In The Present. Humans Cannot, So They Invented Hope.

We are not humans anymore; because we never behaved like one. We aren't animals either; because they won't kill anybody just for fun.

Despite the vast complexity of the human brain, we are still susceptible to the more animalistic nature that exists within each of us.

I'm inspired by love, by the moments that we commit to something with all our heart - be it a person, a project, an animal, anything really. It's undeniably inspiring, that acknowledgment of existence, that I love, that I care. That fills me with purpose.

We've all been everybody and we'll all be everybody. The same life-force energy that animated the first single-celled organism, pumps through you and me. In an unbroken chain. All life is connected and one.

Tous les bruits de l'univers ? le hurlement du vent, le ressac de la mer, le cr?pitement du feu, les cris des animaux, les chants et les paroles des hommes ? sont les vibrations du mantra, le son du dharma spontan?ment manifest?.

The vast majority of people eat animal products not because of how they're produced, but in spite of it.

I accept the Organic Trinity of Mineral, Vegetable, and Animal with as much authority as I accept the Holy Trinity. Both are sacred.

The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated. I hold that the more helpless a creature the more entitled it is to protection by man from the cruelty of humankind.

My days I devote to reading and experiments in chemistry, and I spend many of the clear nights in the study of astronomy. There is, though I do not know how there is or why there is, a sense of infinite peace and protection in the glittering hosts of heaven. There it must be, I think, in the vast and eternal laws of matter, and not in the daily cares and sins and troubles of men, that whatever is more than animal within us must find its solace and its hope.

When I say that I love animals, I mean to say that I am IN love with them. Because they don't know evil and have never been tempted by it. Because they are the purest image of any higher being I have ever known. Because their souls are made of a much larger magic than my own, and if you let them, they will show it to you. Because this world is theirs, they were here first. And we should all love them a little more for graciously allowing us to have so much of it.

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