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You must understand the whole of life not just one little part of it. That is why you must read that is why you must look at the skies that is why you must sing and dance and write poems and suffer and understand for all that is life.

You have to take risks. We will only understand the miracle of life fully when we allow the unexpected to happen.

Religion is more than life. Remember that his own religion is the truest to every man even if it stands low in the scales of philosophical comparison.

I'm not claiming divinity. I've never claimed purity of soul. I've never claimed to have the answers to life. I only put out songs and answer questions as honestly as I can... But I still believe in peace love and understanding.

Life stands before me like an eternal spring with new and brilliant clothes.

True wisdom comes to each of us when we realize how little we understand about life ourselves and the world around us.

Every creature is better alive than dead men and moose and pine trees and he who understands it aright will rather preserve its life than destroy it.

When we remember we are all mad the mysteries disappear and life stands explained.

Understand that legal and illegal are political and often arbitrary categorizations use and abuse are medical or clinical distinctions.

I think we Americans of all people understand the importance of a good legal constitutional framework as the basis of political life.

I support legal immigration. I don't support amnesty because it is not fair to people standing in line at consulates around the world.

Words without deeds violates the moral and legal obligation we have under the genocide convention but more importantly violates our sense of right and wrong and the standards we have as human beings about looking to care for one another.

You need to find somebody who will speak the same language. We understand that we couldn't have any kind of discussion without permission without a legal framework behind it.

And Americans realized that native people are still here that they have a moral standing a legal standing.

And understandably so that when you're in legal jeopardy you really cannot put yourself in a position to open yourself up to the media.

I think mistakes are the essence of science and law. It's impossible to conceive of either scientific progress or legal progress without understanding the important role of being wrong and of mistakes.

But my humble opinion is I'm not quite sure where I stand on the legalization of drugs - though if tequila is legal pot should probably be legal.

We are led by lawyers who do not understand either technology or balance sheets.

Coming to understand a painting or a symphony in an unfamiliar style to recognize the work of an artist or school to see or hear in new ways is as cognitive an achievement as learning to read or write or add.

I was myself brought up with my brother whose name was Matthias for he was my own brother by both father and mother and I made mighty proficiency in the improvements of my learning and appeared to have both a great memory and understanding.

People trust I know what I'm doing. I have lots of credibility. I've had years of learning. I know and understand my business.

If you feel your school is failing you the question is why. Is it a lack of parental involvement large classes school violence poor learning environment? Are there any standards to determine where problems are? Are there tutoring or mentoring programs? If the school is still failing after 3 years then what are your options?

Learning how to get in tune with your field of energy and understand how to create your energy expand that energy and move that energy through your body. Coming back to your center and approaching life from that center-to-line place... That to me gave me strength and understanding and hopefully wisdom to solve life's problems and challenges.

We're learning as we go. We're a lot smarter this time. We understand what it takes to mobilize away from the threat of a hurricane.

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There was never an angry man that thought his anger unjust.

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