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Search For complainin In Quotes 72

People won't have time for you if you are always angry or complaining.

No matter what, Life has to be lived through. Every facet of Life has to be experienced. And pain is non-negotiable. The art of living is truly the art of co-living with pain. Doing this daily, continuously, living in a non-complaining way, you learn the art of being happy despite your circumstances.

Acceptance is a great state to be in. It surely does not make a problem disappear. But the struggle stops. The 'Why?', 'Why Me?', questions die down. There is complete calm. When there is calm, there is focus, there is a sharpness. When you are focused, you invest yourself in solving the problem. You stop complaining about the problem. When you are non-complaining, you are at peace; you are happy with what is.

We are all a product of circumstances that we are put through and experience in Life. But we often don't see Life from this point of view. We are quick to believe that we are a victim of our circumstances. When you are in a victim mode you are constantly grieving, complaining and suffering. But when you see each experience, each circumstance, as what is shaping you and making you better, you evolve and grow ? stronger, wiser and happy!

The lemons life gave me are stored in a basket. Judgmental people provoke me to bake them into a whipped pie of sugary spite. I gladly serve it up to an effort to silence their meringue pie hole from complaining.

Everyday we are complaining about scarce job opportunities and how hard is it to get employed, yet everyday on social media we are trying to get someone fired from their employment ,because we had our differences or argument with them. I think we should choose to find better ways to resolve our issues , without getting others unemployed. Cancelling someone is not solving a problem, but is avoiding it and is causing more damages, because the problem still exist. You can't be passionate and proud, about destroying someone's life and future, unless your evil yourself. If we think we are better, than the people who wronged us. Then we should choose better ways to resolve our issues.

Everyone should look in the mirror, before pointing a finger. Maybe you are the person everyone is complaining about, but you don't see it. Women know the wrong things they do, and man also know the wrong things they do. Even if everyone denies it and trying to be innocent in public. We point fingers at others and hoping that they don't find out , about our bad traits, character and behavior. Hoping we are not exposed one day on the wrong things we are hiding. Everyone needs to work on themselves and fix the wrongs they do. That is how we will fix the country.

We are all given the same number of hours . It depends on what you spend your time on. It is either you spend your time complaining, crying, blaming on what is wrong in your life or you spend your time fixing, solving, improving and working on what is wrong in your life.

"What has God placed in you or given you and you are not using it, or you are using it in the wrong way. What has God trusted you with and you say you are not read. You say not you. You say no, it is too small, useless or pointless. You say it is nothing. You are complaining about those small opportunities God gives you. You are turning down jobs , refusing help and complaining about everything in your life. You are not willing to use what you have or what is given to you. Small it may be. If God can't trust you with small things. How do you expect him to bless with big things, big success, big house, big cars, big career, big position and big break through.

Be content with what you have. Appreciate what you already have and where you are in life rather than complaining or wishing things were different

Focus on finding the solution instead of complaining about the problem.

Don't be part of the people complaining about the problem you are born to solve, instead take action to solve that problem.

Never forget to count your endless blessings before complaining.

People keeps on complaining, but they're not doing anything about the things that they're complaining about.

Complaining is truly my strongest weakness.

One of the mistakes many of us make is that we feel sorry for ourselves, or for others, thinking that life should be fair, or that someday it will be. It's not and it won't. When we make this mistake we tend to spend a lot of time wallowing and/or complaining about what's wrong with life. "It's not fair," we complain, not realizing that, perhaps, it was never intended to be.

People are always complaining that life's not fair, but that simply isn't true. Life is extraordinarily fair. It's just not centered on you.

"Comparing + Complaining about how bad it is = can lead to bad processing for mental health.

Some people are only good at complaining. They have even mastered it by now. They choose to complain about anything. Always negative in positive things. When you say to them . Let's all contribute. Let's start or do something. They will never participate, but they will be waiting to complain. They never have an input, but are always complaining about every output. Choose not to be close to such people and choose not to allow such people to bring your spirit down.? Always? shaming , discouraging those who are trying and their efforts, but have nothing to offer. If they haven't done, what you are doing. Then what they say to you about it .Shouldn't matter.

Folding your arms, feeling sorry for yourself, and complaining, will not help you. ACT, because Action Changes Things.

"You'll likely hear some whiners complaining about the weather. That's what whiners do. They whine about stuff. They can't help it. Sad.

When you stop complaining about others for not helping you and focus on your efforts; there's no stopping you.

Maturity is when you stop complaining and making excuses in your life; you realize everything that happens in life is a result of the previous choice you've made and start making new choices to change your life.

There would be no more offerings. Not this day. Not any day. Humankind had suffered enough for its love of Gods, its long search for God. He thought of the many centuries in which his people, the Jews, had negotiated with God, complaining, bickering, decrying the unfairness of things but always - always - returning to obedience at whatever the cost. Generations dying in the ovens of hatred. Future generations scarred by the cold fires of radiation and renewed hatred.

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Punishment may make us obey the orders we are given but at best it will only teach an obedience to authority not a self-control which enhances our self-respect.

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