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Jangan trauma dengan pengkhianatan masa silam. Jangan bimbang dengan pengkhinatan masa akan datang. Tetapi binalah cita-cita besar yang mampu 'meremehkan' semua itu. Dengan cita-cita besar kita akan menjadi raja. Bukan raja untuk berbangga tetapi raja yang mempunyai keyakinan diri dan kemurnian reputasi. Biarlah anjing menyalak bukit. Bukit tidak akan runtuh. Begitulah orang yang menikam kita dari belakang? kerana dia hakikatnya lemah penakut dan tidak punya keyakinan diri untuk bertarung secara berdepan
Tidak ada seorang pun yang bisa dikalahkan, sampai dia menyerah--DI DALAM PIKIRANNYA SENDIRI!
Life. This morning the sun made me adore it. It had, behind the dripping pine trees, the oriental brightness, orange and crimson, of a living being, a rose and an apple, in the physical and ideal fusion of a true and daily paradise.
"Maka pada suatu pagi hari ia ingin sekali menangis sambil berjalan tunduk sepanjang lorong itu. Ia ingin pagi itu hujan turun rintik-rintik dan lorong sepi agar ia bisa berjalan sendiri saja sambil menangis dan tak ada orang bertanya kenapa.
Justru karena cinta, kamu memelihara dirimu dan dirinya agar tetap mulia. Bila ia mendekat, tetaplah duduk. Karena itu yang menjaga emosi agar tak meletup. Bila ia menjauh, jangan dekati dia sebelum waktunya. Sabar itu jauh lebih istimewa. Atau kalau tak tahan lagi, segeralah datang ke rumah orang tuanya! Itu lebih mulia.
Ada orang-orang yang kemungkinan sebaiknya cukup menetap dalam hati kita saja, tapi tidak bisa tinggal dalam hidup kita. Maka, biarlah begitu adanya, biar menetap di hati, diterima dengan lapang. Toh dunia ini selalu ada misteri yang tidak bisa dijelaskan. Menerimanya dengan baik justru membawa kedamaian.
Tak ada brahmana angkuh. Mereka hanya lebih mengerti, lebih tahu daripada orang yang menganggap pengetahuan dan ilmu sebagai keangkuhan.
Bagi sebagian orang kebenaran itu penting, sebab mereka dapat menerimanya. Mereka dapat menghadapi kebenaran dengan tabah - ketabahan yang hanya dimiliki orang-orang yang mengharapkan kehidupan yang cerah.
Apabila dalam diri seseorang masih ada rasa malu dan takut untuk berbuat suatu kebaikan, maka jaminan bagi orang tersebut adalah tidak akan bertemunya ia dengan kemajuan selangkah pun
Orang menyebutnya ILHAM. Tapi bisa saja itu datang dari suatu proses, setelah kita membiarkan diri mengalami yang lain
Apa yang tersimpan dalam dada, tak mampu dijangkau oleh mata. Karenanya lisan menjadi penanda, wajar orang menilai lewat kata.
Bagiku ada sesuatu yang paling berharga dan hakiki dalam kehidupan: 'dapat mencintai, dapat iba hati, dapat merasai kedukaan'. Tanpa itu semua maka kita tidak lebih dari benda. Berbahagialah orang yang masih mempunyai rasa cinta, yang belum sampai kehilangan benda yang paling bernilai itu. Kalau kita telah kehilangan itu maka absurdlah hidup kita.
Sesungguhnya, terlalu perhatiannya orangtua kita adalah gangguan terindah yang pernah bisa kita terima
The portraits, of more historical than artistic interest, had gone; and tapestry, full of the blue and bronze of peacocks, fell over the doors, and shut out all history and activity untouched with beauty and peace; and now when I looked at my Crevelli and pondered on the rose in the hand of the Virgin, wherein the form was so delicate and precise that it seemed more like a thought than a flower, or at the grey dawn and rapturous faces of my Francesca, I knew all a Christian's ecstasy without his slavery to rule and custom; when I pondered over the antique bronze Gods and Goddesses, which I had mortgaged my house to buy, I had all a pagan's delight in various beauty and without his terror at sleepless destiny and his labour with many sacrifices; and I had only to go to my bookshelf, where every book was bound in leather, stamped with intricate ornament, and of a carefully chosen colour: Shakespeare in the orange of the glory of the world, Dante in the dull red of his anger, Milton in the blue grey of his formal calm; and I could experience what I would of human passions without their bitterness and without satiety. I had gathered about me all Gods because I believed in none, and experienced every pleasure because I gave myself to none, but held myself apart, individual, indissoluble, a mirror of polished steel: I looked in the triumph of this imagination at the birds of Hera, glowing in the firelight as though they were wrought of jewels; and to my mind, for which symbolism was a necessity, they seemed the doorkeepers of my world, shutting out all that was not of as affluent a beauty as their own; and for a moment I thought as I had thought in so many other moments, that it was possible to rob life of every bitterness except the bitterness of death; and then a thought which had followed this thought, time after time, filled me with a passionate sorrow.
[Orange] is one of God's favorite colors--- He stuck it right there between red and yellow as the second color in the rainbow. He decorates entire forests with shades of orange every autumn. It shows up in sunrises at the start of the day, sunsets at the end of the day, and in the glow of the moon at the right time of night.
"Water everywhere, falling in thundering cataracts, singular drops, and draping sheets. Kellhus paused next to one of the shining braziers, peered beneath the bronze visage that loomed orange and scowling over his father, watched him lean back into absolute shadow.
Apakah seorang pencari keheningan adalah si mulia? ataukah si pengecut yang tidak berani menghadapi masalah dunia?
Kebanyakan orang dapat bertahan hidup hanya jika mereka dapat melupakan realitas ini dan memusatkan diri ke yang lain: ke karier mereka, ke investasi, gelar, anak atau apa saja yang terlihat bertambah banyak.
Cinta memperindah hidup kita sebab pengalaman cinta pada dasarnya indah dan memperindah seluruh semesta. Mencintai seseorang atau sesuatu berarti mengabdikan yang tidak abadi, memuliakan yang tidak bermoral, meninggikan yang rendah, dan memperindah yang buruk rupa. Apapun yang terlihat oleh mata yang menatap penuh cinta selalu kelihatan cantik, selalu indah di mata - Pitirim Sorokin
Mathematicians finally developed a financial model to accurately compare apples and oranges. Any two kinds of fruit can be compared, although guavas still cause minor rounding errors.
Otrera stayed dead the second time," Kinzie said, batting her eyes. "We have to thank you for that. If you ever need a new girlfriend...well, I think you'd look great in an iron collar and an orange jumpsuit.
Grover wore his fake feet and his pants to pass as human. He wore a green rasta-style cap, because when it rained his curly hair flattened and you could just see the tips of his horns. His bright orange backpack was full of scrap metal and apples to snack on. In his pocket was a set of reed pipes his daddy goat had carved for him, even though he only knew two songs: Mozart's Piano Concerto no. 12 and Hilary Duff's "So Yesterday," both of which sounded pretty bad on reed pipes.
Morning is an important time of day, because how you spend your morning can often tell you what kind of day you are going to have. For instance, if you wake up to the sound of twittering birds, and find yourself in an enormous canopy bed, with a butler standing next to you holding a breakfast of freshly made muffins and hand-squeezed orange juice on a silver tray, you will know that your day will be a splendid one. If you wake up to the sound of church bells, and find yourself in a fairly big regular bed, with a butler standing next to you holding a breakfast of hot tea and toast on a plate, you will know that your day will be O.K. And if you wake up to the sound of somebody banging two metal pots together, and find yourself in a small bunk bed, with a nasty foreman standing in the doorway holding no breakfast at all, you will know that your day will be horrid.
She craved a tall glass of the fresh-squeezed lemonade from the pitcher she'd left chilling in the fridge. Two glasses served with a generous slice of pound cake with orange glaze icing sounded twice as nice.
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