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Search For salva In Quotes 113

The idea of personal salvation is intensely repugnant to me when it is not absurd. Imagine Roosevelt, the big brute, preserving his personality in a future state and swaggering about as a celestial Rough Rider!

There is never time in the future in which we will work out our salvation. The challenge is in the moment; the time is always now.

To know yourself as the Being underneath the thinker, the stillness underneath the mental noise, the love and joy underneath the pain, is freedom, salvation, enlightenment.

The roaring thunder of the law and the fear of the terror of judgment are both used to bring us to Christ, but the final victory culminating in our salvation is won through God's loving-kindness.

I had a very dysfunctional family, and a very hard childhood. So I made a world out of words. And it was my salvation.

One family, one nation, indivisible. That mentality is essential for our salvation.

As I read the New Testament, I find only one path to salvation - the path of an informed faith in Jesus Christ.

Salvation is by repentance and faith, and if you have truly believed unto salvation, you have been regenerated, which means you have become a new creature, and you are going to live a different life. And so works do not result in salvation.

We know that men are saved by repentance and faith, and whoever does call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. But salvation is a supernatural work of God that will always produce fruit. And the evidence, not the cause, but the evidence of salvation is a changed life, a changing life.

I believe that Christians believe in salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, not by works. And we believe that if you're saved, Jesus becomes your savior. He makes a promise to you. You can trust his promises. You can bank on that word.

We are a long time in learning that all our strength and salvation is in God.

Each morning when I awake, I experience again a supreme pleasure - that of being Salvador Dali.

The real cure for our environmental problems is to understand that our job is to salvage Mother Nature. We are facing a formidable enemy in this field. It is the hunters... and to convince them to leave their guns on the wall is going to be very difficult.

Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is the foundation upon which sincere and meaningful repentance must be built. If we truly seek to put away sin, we must first look to Him who is the Author of our salvation.

There is a lot to celebrate about that little Babe who was laid in a manger. Christians celebrate Christmas because they are thankful for the promise of salvation, which was delivered in human flesh and named Jesus.

I grew up poor, but I didn't really know it because of amazing places like the Salvation Army where we got a lot of our Christmas presents from.

I love Christmas. Frosty the Snowman, peace on Earth and mangers, Salvation Army bell ringers and reindeer, the movie 'Meet Me in St. Louis,' office parties and cookies.

Don't be an art critic. Paint. There lies salvation.

Non puoi salvare le persone, puoi solo amarle

Talvolta una parola, una sola, un gesto d'affetto, uno sguardo pieno d'amicizia sincera possono salvare un uomo sull'orlo dell'abisso.

Maybe that was all we could do: keep on trying, keep on believing we could salvage something from the disaster.

I was ensorcelled from the moment you spoke with that sharp tongue of yours, my lioness, my princess of ice, my torture, and my salvation.

Bisogna salvare le ferite. Non lasciarle sole, sperdute nell'idea fissa della medicazione e della guarigione. Bisogna interrogare le ferite e aspettare le risposte. La risposta alla ferita siamo noi. I nostri gesti, le nostre possibilit? accolte o respinte, i tremori e gli assalti rispondono tutti alle ferite. Perdere una ferita significa perdere una segnaletica importante per un viaggio dentro le orme dell'esistenza, un viaggio che ci accomuna e ci distingue, ci fa cantati, cantati dalla vita cruda.

You have to salvage what you can, even if you're the one who buried it in the first place.

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We are who we are, be?cause of those we choose to love and be?cause of those who love us.

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