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Words to me were magic. You could say a word and it could conjure up all kinds of images or feelings or a chilly sensation or whatever. It was amazing to me that words had this power.
Si tener un concepto m?s elevado de nosotros mismos que el que debemos tener no es sano, tampoco lo es tener una autopercepci?n muy baja. Ni mayor ni menor, sino un nivel sensato.
"The soul seems to consist of billions of stars of dreams and hopes. We are unknown worlds even for ourselves, our mood and sensations are nature. In space, you can live billions of lives and billions of moods as moods of nature. An endless abundance of varieties of images of life experiences, the universe lulls us with dreams and depth of knowledge.
Te sientes sola cuando sales con un chico, y haces el amor en su piso, y ?l se esfuerza por ser simp?tico y hacerte sentir bien, pero es como si todas sus atenciones se dirigiesen a tu cuerpo y no a tu mente (te hace el amor, te hace la cena) y sientes que cada minuto que pasas con ?l solo contribuye a que os cans?is un poco m?s el uno del otro, y cuando os separ?is finges que es doloroso, pero en realidad lo est?s deseando porque supone un alivio dejar de esforzarte por complacer al otro, y cuando llegas a casa tientes la impresi?n de que ?l ya no ha vuelto a pensar en ti desde que saliste de la suya, tienes la sensaci?n de que has salido de su vida para siempre, aunque sepas que al d?a siguiente te volver? a llamar y volver?s a tener sexo con ?l, pero esa noche, mientras te desnudas en silencio y te metes en la cama, est?s segura de que ?l no est? pensando en ti, que nadie piensa en ti, en realidad, y tambi?n est?s segura de que si descuelgas el tel?fono y llamas a tu madre, a tus hermanas o a alguna de tus pocas amigas, o lo llamas a ?l, cualquiera de ellos se sorprender? de ver tu n?mero y de o?r tu voz, y les llevar? unos segundos hacer un hueco para acomodar tu presencia en su mundo, porque solo eres algo ajeno que entra y sale a la escena de sus vidas, algo que no deja m?s huella que un tenue rastro de incomodidad. La soledad es algo dif?cil de explicar, y si no te has sentido as? jam?s, enhorabuena.
Realize your youth while you have it. Don't squander the gold of your days, listening to the tedious, trying to improve the hopeless failure, or giving away your life to the ignorant, the common, and the vulgar. These are the sickly aims, the false ideals, of our age. Live! Live the wonderful life that is in you! Let nothing be lost upon you. Be always searching for new sensations. Be afraid of nothing
The most sublime labour of poetry is to give sense and passion to insensate things; and it is characteristic of children to take inanimate things in their hands and talk to them in play as if they were living persons... This philological-philosophical axiom proves to us that in the world's childhood men were by nature sublime poets...
But what minutes! Count them by sensation, and not by calendars, and each moment is a day.
"It's strange, isn't it, how you never know you're living the best time of your life at the moment you're living it? If you could appreciate, at that instant, that this is it, maybe you'd make certain your mind imprinted every detail of the sights, smells, sounds and sensations.
Don't forget this, too: Rumors aren't interested in the unsensational story; rumors don't care what's true.
The sensation of movement guides and heals, for there is no other medicine like a dance that magnifies what you feel.
What is this sensation of movements that every celebration of life begins and ends with a dance.
Dicen que con llorar nada se arregla pero eso no es verdad. Llorar es hacer algo aunque ese algo no sirva m?s que para quitarnos la sensacion insoportable de no hacer nada.
I'm one of my sensations.
One has to seek out pleasurable sensations, in the absence of which blandness comes naturally. The upshot of this is that we must continually work at keeping suffering (including tedium) at bay, and we can do so only imperfectly. Dissatisfaction does and must pervade life. There are moments, perhaps even periods, of satisfaction, but they occur against a background of dissatis?ed striving.
I [am] obliged to recur ultimately to my habitual anodyne, "I feel: therefore I exist." I feel bodies which are not myself: there are other existencies then. I call them "matter". I feel them changing place. This gives me "motion". Where there is an absence of matter, I call it "void", or "nothing", or "immaterial space". On the basis of sensation, of matter and motion, we may erect the fabric of all the certainties we can have or need.
I try--without success--to stop finding reasons for vanity in anything. When I happen to manage it nonetheless, I feel that I no longer belong to the mortal gang. I am above everything then, above the Gods themselves. Perhaps that is what death is: a sensation of great, of extreme superiority.
Accustom yourself to the belief that death is of no concern to us, since all good and evil lie in sensation and sensation ends with death. Therefore the true belief that death is nothing to us makes a mortal life happy, not by adding to it an infinite time, but by taking away the desire for immortality. For there is no reason why the man who is thoroughly assured that there is nothing to fear in death should find anything to fear in life. So, too, he is foolish who says that he fears death, not because it will be painful when it comes, but because the anticipation of it is painful; for that which is no burden when it is present gives pain to no purpose when it is anticipated. Death, the most dreaded of evils, is therefore of no concern to us; for while we exist death is not present, and when death is present we no longer exist. It is therefore nothing either to the living or to the dead since it is not present to the living, and the dead no longer are.
Why are you worrying about YOU-KNOW-WHO, when you should be worrying about YOU-NO-POO? The constipation sensation that's gripping the nation!
I never travel without my diary. One should always have something sensational to read in the train.
We crave for new sensations but soon become indifferent to them. The wonders of yesterday are today common occurrences
Passion is a feeling that tells you: this is the right thing to do. Nothing can stand in my way. It doesn't matter what anyone else says. This feeling is so good that it cannot be ignored. I'm going to follow my bliss and act upon this glorious sensation of joy.
The pure present is an ungraspable advance of the past devouring the future. In truth, all sensation is already memory.
Because memory and sensations are so uncertain, so biased, we always rely on a certain reality-call it an alternate reality-to prove the reality of events. To what extent facts we recognize as such really are as they seem, and to what extent these are facts merely because we label them as such, is an impossible distinction to draw. Therefore, in order to pin down reality as reality, we need another reality to relativize the first. Yet that other reality requires a third reality to serve as its grounding. An endless chain is created within our consciousness, and it is the very maintenance of this chain that produces the sensation that we are actually here, that we ourselves exist.
There are times when a feeling of expectancy comes to me, as if something is there, beneath the surface of my understanding, waiting for me to grasp it. It is the same tantalizing sensation when you almost remember a name, but don't quite reach it. I can feel it when I think of human beings, of the hints of evolution suggested by the removal of wisdom teeth, the narrowing of the jaw no longer needed to chew such roughage as it was accustomed to; the gradual disappearance of hair from the human body; the adjustment of the human eye to the fine print, the swift, colored motion of the twentieth century. The feeling comes, vague and nebulous, when I consider the prolonged adolesence of our species; the rites of birth, marriage and death; all the primitive, barbaric ceremonies streamlined to modern times. Almost, I think, the unreasoning, bestial purity was best. Oh, something is there, waiting for me. Perhaps someday the revelation will burst in upon me and I will see the other side of this monumental grotesque joke. And then I'll laugh. And then I'll know what life is.
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