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I don't know why it's the same reason why you like some music and you don't like others. There's something about it that you like. Ultimately I don't find it's in my best interests to try and analyze it since it's fundamentally emotional.

Our worldly successes cannot be guaranteed but our ability to achieve spiritual success is entirely up to us thanks to the grace of God. The best advice I know is to give is to give those worldly things your best but never your all - reserve the ultimate hope for the only one who can grant it.

One's philosophy is not best expressed in words it is expressed in the choices one makes... and the choices we make are ultimately our responsibility.

Music as many people have said is the universal language. Of course points are made which make you think about things but ultimately it makes you feel. And that's why people remember more songs that have meant something during their life than films. They start to define periods in your life and that's kind of the beauty of it.

What is man's ultimate direction in life? It is to look for love truth virtue and beauty.

Beauty saves. Beauty heals. Beauty motivates. Beauty unites. Beauty returns us to our origins and here lies the ultimate act of saving of healing of overcoming dualism.

Each experience through which we pass operates ultimately for our good. This is a correct attitude to adopt and we must be able to see it in that light.

The compulsion to do good is an innate American trait. Only North Americans seem to believe that they always should may and actually can choose somebody with whom to share their blessings. Ultimately this attitude leads to bombing people into the acceptance of gifts.

Every creator painfully experiences the chasm between his inner vision and its ultimate expression.

For many years I have lived uncomfortably with the belief that most planning and architectural design suffers for lack of real and basic purpose. The ultimate purpose it seems to me must be the improvement of mankind.

I share the anger but ultimately to govern this country it takes more than anger. It takes experience. It takes positions that reflect the best values of the American people.

You've just got to have a sense of respect for the person you have children with. Anger doesn't help anybody. Ultimately you have to say forgiveness is important and honoring what you had together is important. But it's easy to say and harder to do.

The fear really hits you. That's what you feel first. And then it's the anger and frustration. Part of the problem is how little we understand about the ultimate betrayal of the body when it rebels against itself.

I guess winning an Oscar is the ultimate dream. A lot of amazing actors go their whole career without even being nominated. So that would definitely be a goal to reach. It's a difficult one but I'm aiming for it!

Former President Bill Clinton who is widely regarded as a political mastermind may have sounded like a traditional liberal at the beginning of his term in office. But what ultimately defined his presidency was his amazing pliability on matters of principle.

I have short goals - to get better every day to help my teammates every day - but my only ultimate goal is to win an NBA championship. It's all that matters. I dream about it. I dream about it all the time how it would look how it would feel. It would be so amazing.

We are ultimately alone in that we are ultimately responsible for ourselves.

Anyone who writes knows that ultimately the majority of your time is spent alone in a room with a piano or a guitar no matter what the project is.

In a civilized society all crimes are likely to be sins but most sins are not and ought not to be treated as crimes. Man's ultimate responsibility is to God alone.

You can work on the saxophone alone but ultimately you must perform with others.

I try to push ideas away and the ones that will not leave me alone are the ones that ultimately end up happening.

I'm ultimately a widow and a single mother who's not even getting to be a mother right now. I am so alone it's freaky.

Man's ultimate concern must be expressed symbolically because symbolic language alone is able to express the ultimate.

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'Laura' was overtly political for sure. Caspary was trying to make a point about women and independence and how men viewed them, with derision or condescension or on a pedestal, when the real person was ignored.

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