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President Trump's frequent, unfiltered use of his personal Twitter account as a means of official communication is unprecedented. If the President is going to take to social media to make sudden public policy proclamations, we must ensure that these statements are documented and preserved for future reference.
Augmented reality will change the world more than a lot of other technologies. Traveling around to meet people will be much less important when you can stand in a room and chat with a virtual representation of a person that's so close to reality - it'll be a whole new level.
Virtual reality and augmented reality will change the way we shop.
I think the best thing about my job is that I have my life documented, which not many people get to have. They have a photo here and there and maybe some video footage from a birthday. My kids will be able to see me growing up.
My mother Reba Vidyarthi was a Kathak dancer while my father Govind Vidyarthi was a theatre personality. Later on, he worked for Sangeet Natak Akademi and documented many dying art forms of India.
I can do glamour, but I can also play something like I did in the play 'Wild Justice,' where I was demented with grief and anger, and there was snot coming out of my nose, and my clothes were all over the place.
There is something in us, as storytellers and as listeners to stories, that demands the redemptive act, that demands that what falls at least be offered the chance to be restored. The reader of today looks for this motion, and rightly so, but what he has forgotten is the cost of it. His sense of evil is diluted or lacking altogether, and so he has forgotten the price of restoration. When he reads a novel, he wants either his sense tormented or his spirits raised. He wants to be transported, instantly, either to mock damnation or a mock innocence.
A book is made from a tree. It is an assemblage of flat, flexible parts (still called "leaves") imprinted with dark pigmented squiggles. One glance at it and you hear the voice of another person, perhaps someone dead for thousands of years. Across the millennia, the author is speaking, clearly and silently, inside your head, directly to you. Writing is perhaps the greatest of human inventions, binding together people, citizens of distant epochs, who never knew one another. Books break the shackles of time ? proof that humans can work magic.
"Mother Nature had blessed her with the customary rear-end one expects of a Brazilian smokeshow. However, her chest was ornamented by a beautiful set of
Throughout our lives, pain visits us in turns. There isn't a human alive that hasn't been touched by pain. We all carry scars and wounds, but only some rise to the surface to be seen and commented on. Simply put, the story of pain is common to us all.
Me propongo a describir, con precisi?n, hechos que finalmente han provocado mi forzosa estad?a en este manicomio con el ins?lito consentimiento de mi amad?sima familia, alumnos, colegas y amistades, habiendo sido recluido espec?ficamente en el pabell?n de los personajes famosos, dignidad esta que rechazo de plano.
Las propias palabras, que no son cosas, que s?lo las designan lo mejor que pueden, y design?ndolas las modelan, incluso las que sirvieron de manera ejemplar, suponiendo que tal pudiera suceder en alguna ocasi?n, son millones de veces usadas y otras tantas desechadas, y despu?s nosotros, humildes, con el rabo entre las piernas, como el perro Encontrado cuando la verg?enza lo encoge, tenemos que ir a buscarlas nuevamente, barro pisado que tambi?n ellas son, amasado y masticado, deglutido y restituido.
C?mo est? Marta, preguntar? ?l, Cansada, pero bien, responder? yo, y estas palabras tambi?n las andamos diciendo constantemente, no me extra?ar?a nada que cuando transitemos de este mundo hacia el otro todav?a consigamos encontrar fuerzas para responder a alguien que se le ocurra la imb?cil idea de preguntarnos c?mo nos sentimos, Muriendo, pero bien, es lo que diremos.
La vida es esencialmente injusta. De eso no cabe la menor duda. Pero creo que incluso de las situaciones injustas es posible extraer lo que de "justicia" haya en ellas. Puede que ello cueste tiempo y esfuerzo. Y puede que ese tiempo y esfuerzo sean en vano. Decidir si merece o no la pena intentar extraer esa "justicia" es algo que, queda al criterio de cada uno.
Introspective souls are often tormented by their passionate visions. This is because visionaries see what shall be and wake up to what is. However, if you couldn't see a glimpse of the city lights while stranded in the forest, how would you ever know to walk in that direction? Sometimes, your vision can't be put into action, until you gather the learning experiences, along your journey first.
Los limites de mi lenguaje son los l?mites de mi mente
Te sientes sola cuando sales con un chico, y haces el amor en su piso, y ?l se esfuerza por ser simp?tico y hacerte sentir bien, pero es como si todas sus atenciones se dirigiesen a tu cuerpo y no a tu mente (te hace el amor, te hace la cena) y sientes que cada minuto que pasas con ?l solo contribuye a que os cans?is un poco m?s el uno del otro, y cuando os separ?is finges que es doloroso, pero en realidad lo est?s deseando porque supone un alivio dejar de esforzarte por complacer al otro, y cuando llegas a casa tientes la impresi?n de que ?l ya no ha vuelto a pensar en ti desde que saliste de la suya, tienes la sensaci?n de que has salido de su vida para siempre, aunque sepas que al d?a siguiente te volver? a llamar y volver?s a tener sexo con ?l, pero esa noche, mientras te desnudas en silencio y te metes en la cama, est?s segura de que ?l no est? pensando en ti, que nadie piensa en ti, en realidad, y tambi?n est?s segura de que si descuelgas el tel?fono y llamas a tu madre, a tus hermanas o a alguna de tus pocas amigas, o lo llamas a ?l, cualquiera de ellos se sorprender? de ver tu n?mero y de o?r tu voz, y les llevar? unos segundos hacer un hueco para acomodar tu presencia en su mundo, porque solo eres algo ajeno que entra y sale a la escena de sus vidas, algo que no deja m?s huella que un tenue rastro de incomodidad. La soledad es algo dif?cil de explicar, y si no te has sentido as? jam?s, enhorabuena.
You cannot build a dream on a foundation of sand. To weather the test of storms, it must be cemented in the heart with uncompromising conviction.
It's a strange but well-documented fact that the most extreme events and situations can bring out the deepest parts of ourselves.
The movie Koyaanisqatsi shows non-commented time-lapse footage and focuses our attention on the very rhythm of our civilized modern life and nature. A marijuana high can do something for a user similar to what this time-lapse footage does. The enhancement of episodic memory and the acceleration of associative streams of memories can alter and enhance our recognition of patterns in our lives in various ways. If we are presented with quick associative chains of past experiences, we can see a pattern in a body of information that is usually not at once presented to our "inner eye" as such.
La luz del pasillo iluminaba d?bilmente mi rostro que se reflejaba de modo fantasmal en el cristal de la ventanilla y me hac?a recordar el que tuve en la infancia, el que naufrag? para siempre en la despedida, como si aquel ni?o se hallara agazapado en alg?n lugar de mi interior esperando un descuido m?o para emerger de nuevo en las aguas fangosas del pasado con su sonrisa feliz y sus ojos brillantes.
Desde hace cinco a?os, no existe ya en esta tierra una ma?ana sin agon?as, una noche sin c?rceles, un mediod?a sin carnicer?as. S?, nos hemos visto obligados a seguirles a ustedes. Pero nuestra dif?cil haza?a estribaba en seguirles en la guerra, sin olvidar la felicidad. Y, a trav?s de los clamores y la violencia, intent?bamos conservar en el coraz?n el recuerdo de un mar feliz, de una colina jam?s olvidada, la sonrisa de un rostro amado. Al propio tiempo, era nuestra mejor arma, la que no rendiremos jam?s. Porque el d?a en que la perdi?ramos, estar?amos tan muertos como ustedes. Sencillamente, sabemos ahora que las armas de la felicidad exigen mucho tiempo y demasiada sangre para ser forjadas.
The truth of the matter was something much more subtle and tremendous than any plain physical miracle could ever be. But never mind that. The important thing was that, when I did see the stars (riotously darting in all directions according to the caprice of their own wild natures, yet in every movement confirming the law), the whole tangled horror that had tormented me finally presented itself to me in its truth and beautiful shape. And I knew that the first, blind stage of my childhood had ended.
Tudo parecia organizado da melhor forma poss?vel, como se de fato o mundo constasse somente de palavras, como se assim o pr?prio horror fosse trazido para dimens?es seguras, como se para cada aspecto de uma coisa houvesse um reverso, para cada mal um bem, para cada dissabor um prazer, para cada infelicidade uma felicidade e para cada mentira um quinh?o de verdade.
Shun no toil to make yourself remarkable by some talent or other; yet do not devote yourself to one branch exclusively. Strive to get clear notions about all. Give up no science entirely; for science is but one.
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