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Search For physic In Quotes 1026

I stopped thinking too much about what could happen and relied on my physical and mental strength to play the right shots at the right time.

It's always difficult to play a scene of physical violence because you're always afraid that you don't know your own strength and might hurt someone.

The spirit of man is more important than mere physical strength and the spiritual fiber of a nation than its wealth.

Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.

The Olympic Games must not be an end in itself they must be a means of creating a vast programme of physical education and sports competitions for all young people.

I used to play football at school and I enjoyed really physical sports but I now try to avoid any sports that might build up different muscles. That might have a negative impact on my archery.

I've always been into sports and being physical.

I like sports and swimming is my favorite. Doing physical exercises keeps one fit and healthy and helps one work more efficiently. I think we all need to strike a balance between work and relaxation. This can keep us energetic and help us do our job better.

One of the reasons I'm an actor is because I was no physical specimen as a child. I wasn't athletic and didn't have any prowess in that regard. Growing up in Kentucky most little boys were trying to get into sports and it was very competitive so that was not to be. But I did want to do something.

We all know that girls who compete in sports perform better in school are physically healthier and have a stronger self-esteem.

I've always kind of had an interest in the drums but nothing else. The drums are the only thing I feel I would be good at because I'm a very physical person. I've always played sports and stuff. Drums would give me something to do.

The weapons were conceived and created by a small band of physicists and chemists they remain a cataclysmic threat to the whole of human society and the natural environment.

Adolescence is society's permission slip for combining physical maturity with psychological irresponsibility.

I started out in engineering. I was a geophysical engineer. Throughout the course of my life I've done a lot of strange jobs and the effect has been to make me think a little more skeptically about our capitalist society.

Possibly because I grew up not feeling very confident about my own physical appearance I developed internal devices so that I could integrate into society.

How many of you have broken no laws this month? That's the kind of society I want to build. I want a guarantee - with physics and mathematics not with laws - that we can give ourselves real privacy of personal communications.

Congress acknowledged that society's accumulated myths and fears about disability and disease are as handicapping as are the physical limitations that flow from actual impairment.

All the mathematical sciences are founded on relations between physical laws and laws of numbers so that the aim of exact science is to reduce the problems of nature to the determination of quantities by operations with numbers.

As the Nation's primary supporter of research in the physical sciences the DOE Office of Science led the way in creating a unique system of large-scale specialized often one-of-a-kind facilities for scientific discovery.

Since coming to Congress I have been advocating for increased resources for research in the physical sciences and for the Department of Energy Office of Science in particular.

Science Fiction is not just about the future of space ships travelling to other planets it is fiction based on science and I am using science as my basis for my fiction but it's the science of prehistory - palaeontology and archaeology - rather than astronomy or physics.

Brian and I were both science students. You know science sort of math and physics side you know.

But honestly if you do a rigorous survey of my work I'll bet you'll find that biology is a theme far more often than physical science.

It's such a long mission and we get to spend so much time in space... we're doing such exciting research. And I don't want to overemphasize the life science research but as a physician the life science research that we're doing is extremely exciting.

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Our democracy is the centerpiece of who we are as a nation. And it is the fondest hope of all Americans that we can help bring democracy to every corner of the world.

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