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Forgive but do not forget, or you will be hurt again. Forgiving changes the perspectives. Forgetting loses the lesson.

Remember why all of that happened. Don't push things away just because they didn't end up how you wanted them to. Accept that someone has left, accept that you have to let go of the ones that don't want to be with you. Growth starts not with forgetting but accepting.

The truth is even thou you see some people recovering from the corona virus. You don't know if your body can handle it. So the safest way is for you to avoid getting it . Stay home or move with caution.

The sweetest thing in life is to be alone, as you were born, as you will die, soaking in the sun, knowing that you put the cactus in the right place, that you don't need someone to come along and compliment your work, that someone who did that would, in fact, just be getting in the way.

Getting over your ex is for you! Don't let anyone's absence still have control of happiness. It isn't easy, but getting your peace and happiness back is worth it!

You will find your healing when you accept the fact that you're not getting back together.

Someday you'll be happy in a relationship that's meant for you. It won't be forced or tolerated. You will walk through life with someone who appreciates you and values you. You'll then understand that getting through that breakup was worth it. Every pain, worth it.

When they start something for the artists to promote talent and art, but their focus and emphasis is on business side of whatever they started .They are going to sideline other artist and going to kill the spirit of art in others, because they are trying to make business out of artists forgetting how important is the artist and the art itself.

Women are getting raped and killed everyday. Women are getting abused and silenced everyday . This day should be a day where we say what systems or what mechanism are in place in helping women. This day, is a day where we should be launching new projects and systems to help women. This day is a day where we should review what we did from this day last year, until now. How many women been helped and protected. How many women have been empowered. Then this day will mean more to lot of women than saying that women are imbokodo.

My personal problems are seeds that I've planted. They do not sprout when they are supposed to. They tend to grow when I least expect it. That is when most of my problems occur. I have to work on planting my seeds at the right time. I also have to make sure they are getting enough sunshine, rain, and a lot of love-so they can sprout during the right season.

By getting out of the oversaturated mindset of needing to market at every moment and using some of these social sites as social sites, this can creating an inviting and engaging way to connect to people and maintain that connection.

With COVID 19 we are losing people everyday. There is no time to hate and to hold on to grudges. Life is too short for all of us, We don't know how long do we have to live . Make peace with everyone while you can.Reconcile with the people you love and with your family before is too late. Put the bad stories , bad history ,differences and rumors aside. Don't inherit hate from others, from your parents or grand parents. Never be happy to be torn apart from your family and not getting along with your family or family members. United we stand, divided we fall.Life is too short now and too risky. Make peace and share love always.

The only competition we are good at and we are winning on. It is destroying each other. Hurting each other. Insulting each other. Underestimating each other, looking each other down, getting each other fired and Killing each other. . It is never late for us to choose to support ,build and uplifting each other.

Everyday we are complaining about scarce job opportunities and how hard is it to get employed, yet everyday on social media we are trying to get someone fired from their employment ,because we had our differences or argument with them. I think we should choose to find better ways to resolve our issues , without getting others unemployed. Cancelling someone is not solving a problem, but is avoiding it and is causing more damages, because the problem still exist. You can't be passionate and proud, about destroying someone's life and future, unless your evil yourself. If we think we are better, than the people who wronged us. Then we should choose better ways to resolve our issues.

"Our reality is getting funnier and funnier, comical nightmare of black humor, and funny and scary, shock humor. The comical, dreamlike paradoxes of egoism are becoming more and more.

People on Social Media don't sympathize, but they capitalize. They only support you when it benefits them. Their support has nothing to do , on how you're feeling and what you are going through. Their support is about what they are getting in supporting you. Most people are selfish.

happiness is getting rid of "unnecessary necessities

Changing a word is normal, forgetting a word is unfortunate, but banning a word is dangerous

There is too much pain in the world,in all shapes and forms.That is what these people represent.Pain from losing their homes,the death of a loved one,failing an exam,having a leg amputated,not getting a resident permit after years of hoping for a better life...That's what binds them,That's what they potray.Pain.

When we get a new idea - or remember an old one ? and we cling to it and try to spread it with evangelical zeal, then we no longer have control over it. In fact, it's the idea itself that possesses us and becomes our new master. And we end up blindly serving the idea and forgetting the cause that brought it to us in the first place.

All those people who rejected me gave me a head-start on freedom, because the fear and obedience we are all taught, well, those things weren't getting me any love.

Don't give up on believing things can and will get better, even if they seem to be getting worse.

A tree never complains about the winter because she is busy getting ready to bloom during the spring and summer.

I am more than the moments that locked my essence in trauma. Using every ounce of pain, never forgetting my worth, moving away from the drama.

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Your Majesty I took the liberty because I was so desirous of visiting alone with you for a few minutes before the rest of the other peasants arrived.

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