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Violence against women in all its forms is a human rights violation. It's not something that any culture religion or tradition propagates.

Zionism was originally a rebellion against religious Judaism and the PLO Charter was essentially secularist. But because the conflict was allowed to fester without a resolution religion got sucked into the escalating cycle of violence and became part of the problem.

If I were asked for a one-sentence sound bite on religion I would say I was against it.

Whoever seeks to set one religion against another seeks to destroy all religion.

I am against religion because it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world.

A tyrant must put on the appearance of uncommon devotion to religion. Subjects are less apprehensive of illegal treatment from a ruler whom they consider god-fearing and pious. On the other hand they do less easily move against him believing that he has the gods on his side.

The most convincing argument against early parenthood is that you are in a relationship that is likely to fall apart before that child grows up.

Master of the universe but not of myself I am the only rebel against my absolute power.

The struggle of man against power is the struggle of memory against forgetting.

I have heard that the Saudi Arabians are paying Greenpeace to campaign against Nuclear Power. It wouldn't surprise me at all.

Men have defined the parameters of every subject. All feminist arguments however radical in intent or consequence are with or against assertions or premises implicit in the male system which is made credible or authentic by the power of men to name.

For as long as the power of America's diversity is diminished by acts of discrimination and violence against people just because they are black Hispanic Asian Jewish Muslim or gay we still must overcome.

The real problem is that the way that power is given out in our society pits us against each other.

In the case of Iraq notwithstanding the violence there at the moment the very fact that a hideous regime - responsible for genocide for the use of chemical and biological weapons aggression against two neighbors - has been removed in itself is a positive development.

It demonstrates to his simple mind in the most positive manner that we have no prejudice against him on account of his race and that while he behaves himself he will be treated the same as a white man.

When I got into the film business my aim was to adopt a positive persona of a guy who fights against injustice. And it saved me because my acting was atrocious to say the least!

You should tell yourself frequently 'I will only react to constructive suggestions.' This gives you positive ammunition against your own negative thoughts and those of others.

For to be poised against fatality to meet adverse conditions gracefully is more than simple endurance it is an act of aggression a positive triumph.

If you are going to sin sin against God not the bureaucracy. God will forgive you but the bureaucracy won't.

The revolution is a dictatorship of the exploited against the exploiters.

Hell I never vote for anybody I always vote against.

And how can poetry stand up against its new conditions? Its position is perfectly precarious.

Poetry is man's rebellion against being what he is.

So poetry becomes a means for useful dialogue between people who are not only unknown but mute to each other. It produces a dialogue among people that guards all of us against manipulation by our so-called leaders.

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Sometimes the best of Gods gift's arrive by the shattering of all the window panes.

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