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I used to be afraid about what people might say or think after reading what I had written. I am not afraid anymore, because when I write, I am not trying to prove anything to anyone, I am just expressing myself and my opinions. It's ok if my opinions are different from those of the reader, each of us can have his own opinions. So writing is like talking, if you are afraid of writing, you may end up being afraid of talking

A woman knows very well that, though a wit sends her his poems, praises her judgment, solicits her criticism, and drinks her tea, this by no means signifies that he respects her opinions, admires her understanding, or will refuse, though the rapier is denied him, to run through the body with his pen.

Every observer has noted that the younger the child, the less sense he has of his own ego. From the intellectual point of view, he does not distinguish between external and internal, subjective and objective. From the point of view of action, he yields to every suggestion, and if he does oppose to other people's wills - a certain negativism which has been called "the spirit of contradiction" - this only points to his real defenselessness against his surroundings. A strong personality can maintain itself without the help of this particular weapon. The adult and the older child have complete power over him. They impose their opinions and their wishes, and the child accepts them without knowing that he does so.

A person who does not pray habitually, no matter how believing or pious he may be, will not achieve full spiritual growth. Neither will he acquire peace of soul because he will always experience excessive scruples and never view things beyond their human or worldly significance. Thus, one will always suffer from vanity, selfishness, self-centeredness, ambition, meanness of heart, vileness of judgment, and a sickly willfulness and attachment to one's opinions. A person who does not pray may acquire human wisdom and prudence, but not true spiritual freedom or that deep and radical purification of the heart. One will not be able to grasp the depths of divine mercy or know how to make it known to others. His judgment will always end up shortsighted, mistaken, and contemptible. One will never be able to tread God's ways, which are far different from what many-even those who have committed themselves to a life in the spirit-conceive them to be.

Freedom of speech does not come with opinions worth listening to.

Yes, K?l?mas, it is proper that your have doubt, that you have perplexity, for a doubt has arisen in a matter which is doubtful. Now, look you K?l?mas, do not be led by reports, or traditions, or hearsay. Be not led by the authority of religious texts, not by the delight in speculative opinions, nor by seeming possibilities, not by the idea: 'this is our teacher'. But, O K?l?mas, when you know for yourself that certain things are unwholesome, and wrong, and bad, then give them up... And when you know for yourself that certain things are wholesome and good, then accept them and follow them.

To have opinions is to sell out to yourself. To have no opinion is to exist. To have every opinion is to be a poet.

Like this cup, you are full of your own opinions and speculations. How can I show you wisdom unless you first empty your cup?

When love and hate are both absent, everything becomes clear and undisguised. Make the slightest distinction, however, and heaven and earth are set infinitely apart. If you wish to see the truth, then hold no opinions for or against anything. To set up what you like against what you dislike is the disease of the mind.

Love of music, of sunsets and sea; a liking for the same kind of people; political opinions that are not radically divergent; a similar stance as we look at the stars and think of the marvelous strangeness of the universe - these are what build a marriage. And it is never to be taken for granted.

Thousand people, Thousand hearts, Thousand opinions; One truth

Any clod can have the facts, but having opinions is an art.

Toutes les opinions ne se valent pas, et il ne faut pas confondre l'?loquence d'une parole avec la justesse d'une pens?e.

"Thousand people, thousand hearts, thousand opinions;

There can be many opinions on a thing, but there is only one truth.

I don't know what sort of world she will live in and I have no fixed opinions concerning how she should live in it. I only know that if she does not come to value what is true above what is useful, it will make little difference whether she lives at all.

To know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness while telling carefully constructed lies, to hold simultaneously two opinions which cancelled out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them, to use logic against logic, to repudiate morality while laying claim to it, to believe that democracy was impossible and that the Party was the guardian of democracy, to forget whatever it was necessary to forget, then to draw it back into memory again at the moment when it was needed, and then promptly to forget it again: and above all, to apply the same process to the process itself -- that was the ultimate subtlety: consciously to induce unconsciousness, and then, once again, to become unconscious of the act of hypnosis you had just performed. Even to understand the word 'doublethink' involved the use of doublethink.

And thus, the actions of life often not allowing any delay, it is a truth very certain that, when it is not in our power to determine the most true opinions we ought to follow the most probable.

Opinions that have no foundation in truth kill more dreams than lack of talent. And it is by listening to our heart that we often find deep-rooted reasons to own the power to make our dreams come true.

"If you've ever suffered the accusations of people who objectified you as an emblem of darkness, it wasn't your fault. If you've ever been haunted by the opinions of your friends, it wasn't your fault. If they've ever assumed the worst of you, it wasn't your fault. If you've ever been judged by your own parents, it wasn't your fault. If you've ever been treated as an outcast, it wasn't your fault. If you've ever made a decision based on an opinion, it wasn't your fault. If you've ever been labeled, it wasn't your fault. If you've ever been stuck in the middle of a love triangle, it wasn't your fault. If you've ever been heartbroken, it wasn't your fault. If you've ever cried yourself to sleep, it wasn't your fault.

Every Problem Has A Solution But The Outcome Is Not Determined By Other People's Opinions. It Is Determined By Your Initial Thoughts About It And Your Abilities

Be like the sun; never let the opinions of those who hate you dull your shine.

Always remember that the most valuable thing that you can do in this world, is to live a life of love. Love truly those who were given you to be loved. Love truly the gifts you were given in life, as well as your ability to live and share those gifts. Even if the only people who remember your name, are the five people you have loved and who have loved you in this life, that makes you no less important than the person who is recognised by every individual in this world! In seeking to change the world out there that you live in, do make sure that you are not changing it in order to make it become more like you; rather, live to change yourself, to know yourself, to grow and to become. This is the highest reach of man. The downfall of world-changers in this day and age, is that those who wish to change the world, only wish to influence the world of their own beliefs, choices, and opinions. But this is not how the world is changed. This planet is changed, only when we heal and grow and know the worlds within ourselves. Because it is in the healing of worlds unique and innumerable, that this one we share will find her hope. The only person who needs to know you, is you. And then the people who are given to you to love, who love you truly in return. - The Conversation of Venusta

Be brave enough to live the life of your dreams according to your vision and purpose instead of the expectations and opinions of others.

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