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Many people dream about being an entrepreneur, starting their own business, working for themselves, and living the good life. Very few, however, will actually take the plunge and put everything they've got into being their own boss.
When times are bad is when the real entrepreneurs emerge.
The entrepreneur always searches for change, responds to it, and exploits it as an opportunity.
I'm in a difficult position in the sense that, preposterous as this might sound, I don't like being the centre of attention. I get up on stage every night and play songs, but I almost feel the songs are the centre of attention. I don't like opening my birthday presents in front of people, either.
A lot of technologies in the world were unusual in the beginning, and became standard. That's the beauty of bottom-up entrepreneurship and innovations.
Every small business will give you an entrepreneurial way of looking at things. I guarantee you that for every plant that closes, if you gave it to one small-business person in that community, he or she would find a way to make it work. The small-business attitude is you always find a way to make it work.
Fear, separation, hate and anger come from the wrong view that you and the Earth are two separate entities, the Earth is only the environment. You are in the centre and you want to do something for the Earth in order for you to survive. That is a dualistic way of seeing.
Social entrepreneurs are people who have amazing passion to do good.
I moved away when I was young, when I was about 19. I'd literally come from an area with dirt roads and stuff like that, right to the centre of a city of about five million people. It's been great. I'm based in New York, and every day, it's amazing.
What's amazing is that so many leaders who value teamwork will tolerate people who aren't humble. They reluctantly hire self-centred people and then justify it because those people have desired skills.
No me digas que la naturaleza no es un milagro. No me digas que el mundo no es un maravilloso cuento. Quien no lo haya entendido, tal vez no lo haga hasta el momento en que el cuento est? a punto de acabar. Pues es cuando te dan la ?ltima oportunidad de quitarte las anteojeras, una ?ltima ocasi?n de frotarte los ojos de asombro, una ?ltima ocasi?n de entregarte a este milagro del que ahora te despides y al que vas a abandonar.
Be easy on yourself. It is the first time always ? whether you are an adult, spouse, parent, professional, #BlissCatcher or entrepreneur. And each situation, for each person, is unique. Besides, Life does not come with an operations manual! It is only by playing the game of Life, and learning from each experience, that you get better and better at living Life fully!
Las propias palabras, que no son cosas, que s?lo las designan lo mejor que pueden, y design?ndolas las modelan, incluso las que sirvieron de manera ejemplar, suponiendo que tal pudiera suceder en alguna ocasi?n, son millones de veces usadas y otras tantas desechadas, y despu?s nosotros, humildes, con el rabo entre las piernas, como el perro Encontrado cuando la verg?enza lo encoge, tenemos que ir a buscarlas nuevamente, barro pisado que tambi?n ellas son, amasado y masticado, deglutido y restituido.
?Si nuestra amistad depende de cosas como el espacio y el tiempo, entonces, cuando por fin superemos el espacio y el tiempo, habremos destruido nuestra propia hermandad! Pero supera el espacio, y nos quedar? s?lo un Aqu?. Supera el tiempo, y nos quedar? s?lo un Ahora. Y entre el Aqu? y el Ahora, ?no crees que podremos volver a vernos un par de veces?
But while my inner voice was clearly telling me I was at my core an entrepreneur, it's inconvenient to decide at twenty-three that you can't really work for other people.
People do business with people, and it's essential that entrepreneurs understand this going into any venture.
My take is that smart financiers wait until aha before they climb aboard the bandwagon. Entrepreneurs need to bridge the capital gap from idea to aha with expertise, not capital or sophisticated market research.
Too often entrepreneurs are reactive to the challenges inherent when building a company... the most successful founders are proactive.
Leer un buen libro es casi como estar en la luna. Durante esos instantes, mientras te sumerges entre las p?ginas, dejas de tener los pies en la tierra, viajas lejos, a otros lugares, a otros mundos, a otras vidas...
Entrepreneurship is the real test of conviction.
Good fiction is not only based on believable and interesting characters but, at its centre, is?the quote. Quotes are the essence of the lesson.
Top 7 Things For An Entrepreneur Are: Passion, Vision, Obsession, Salesmanship, Compassion, Contagious Energy And Resilience. If You Have Them, You Will Be Able To Withstand Any Weather.
Are you passionate enough about a specific topic to become a subject matter expert, or entrepreneur in a particular field?
Before teaching your child anything, teach them the basic lessons of entrepreneurship so that they can become an independent human being on this planet
In the playoffs, it's win or go home. You might not have a chance to look back at a game and say, 'Man, we didn't box out here.'
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