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We can all agree that no American should lose their life savings or their home because of illness or injury and that the rising cost of health care severely burdens individuals families and businesses.

Our health care system is the finest in the world but we still have too many uninsured Americans too high prices for prescription drugs and too many frivolous lawsuits driving our physicians out of state or out of business.

Health care for all Americans is the most pressing domestic issue today. It's far past time for the President and Congress to deliver health care to everyone.

We have one of the few societies the only one I can think of right offhand where your health care is so tied to your job so that when an American company has to hire they have to think about health care.

All Americans should have access to quality affordable health care.

Too many of my constituents like many other hard working Americans across the country are suffering unnecessarily due to our flawed health care system.

Rogue internet pharmacies continue to pose a serious threat to the health and safety of Americans. Simply put a few unethical physicians and pharmacists have become drug suppliers to a nation.

While most Americans have access to the best oral health care in the world low-income children suffer disproportionately from oral disease.

And whether it is equal pay health care Social Security or family leave this Congress has refused to address issues critical to hard-working American women.

The American economy has always been driven by the entrepreneurial nature of its citizens and blocking access to affordable health care will only suffocate growth within the small business sector of our economy.

By giving every American access to quality affordable health care they will create a more competitive a stronger and more secure America!

Health care costs blunt the competitive edge of American entrepreneurs from the auto industry to internet start-ups.

President Obama stands ready to work with everyone because that's what the American people expect and deserve - not for the short term political advantages but the long term health of our country. We don't spend time trying to figure out what's in the minds of Republicans we try to keep our focus on the American people.

American families families back home in Minnesota know only too well that out-of-pocket expenses for health care have been rising at an astonishing rate.

The majority of Americans receive health insurance coverage through their employers but with rising health care costs many small businesses can no longer afford to provide coverage for their employees.

I understand that in these difficult economic times the potential for any additional expense is not welcomed by American businesses. But in the long run the health insurance reform law promises to cut health-care costs for U.S. businesses not expand them.

We've had Town Hall meetings we've witnessed election after election in which the American people have taken a position on the President's health care bill. And the bottom line is the people don't like this bill. They don't want it.

I am hopeful for the American people that we can actually improve the outlook for bringing down costs in health care.

Third issue and again I think it is important to note anyone can make a mistake and any administration can make a mistake once in a while but this is just a long train of abuses an unbroken chain of following special interests rather than the health of the American people.

I think that the millions and millions of young Americans young Americans who have health care today who wouldn't have had it if the president hadn't acted are better off.

The fact is if we do our job right if we keep worrying not about polls but about the jobs of the American people about their health care about their ability to educate their kids stay in their homes and own their homes send their kids to college the basic pillars of a middle-class life if we keep worrying about the future and building a stronger future for this country these things will take care of themselves.

Americans want and deserve a broad array of health insurance choices so they can identify those that best fit their own individual or family needs. These choices expand when we allow free enterprise to foster innovation not smother it with taxes and one-size fits all ideology.

Prior to passage of Obamacare Americans spoke out against the individual mandate they didn't want to change the health care they had they didn't want a 3 000-page bill that empowered 15 Washington bureaucrats to decide the future of the doctor-patient relationship.

The Supreme Court has never ruled that Congress can use the Commerce Clause to require individuals to engage in an activity they have chosen to avoid. Yet that is precisely what Obamacare does: It forces Americans without health insurance to purchase coverage. Such a requirement is unprecedented and unconstitutional.

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