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To meet the expectations of the majority of our people and to open up new vistas of economic opportunity so that the aspirations of Nigerians can stand a fair chance of being fulfilled in a lifetime there must be a truly committed leadership in a democratic Nigeria.
My work requires acting at its most committed - it demands actors of enormous resilience but also intelligence and wit. It doesn't work for narcissistic or selfish actors.
I am committed to ensure that our intelligence community law enforcement medical professionals and military have the information and funding needed to protect the American people from threats at home and abroad.
I will always desire to play with Bruce Springsteen. He's the most inspirational most dedicated most committed and most focused artist I've ever seen. I like to be around people like that.
If I had no sense of humor I would long ago have committed suicide.
Religion kept some of my relatives alive because it was all they had. If they hadn't had some hope of heaven some companionship in Jesus they probably would have committed suicide their lives were so hellish.
In its history Europe has committed so many massacres and horrors that it should bow its own head in shame.
Whether it's making sure that families have access to quality health care and child care or making sure that our children receive the best educational opportunities we can give them we must remain committed to these needs because our children are our future.
I think first and foremost everybody should understand that Canadians are strongly committed to the system of universal health insurance to the principle that your ability to pay does not determine your access to critical medical service.
Genuine happiness can only be achieved when we transform our way of life from the unthinking pursuit of pleasure to one committed to enriching our inner lives when we focus on 'being more' rather than simply having more.
Many great actions are committed in small struggles.
Commitment is a big part of what I am and what I believe. How committed are you to winning? How committed are you to being a good friend? To being trustworthy? To being successful? How committed are you to being a good father a good teammate a good role model? There's that moment every morning when you look in the mirror: Are you committed or are you not?
I've looked on many women with lust. I've committed adultery in my heart many times. God knows I will do this and forgives me.
We have a moral responsibility to save wild places like the arctic refuge for future generations and that is why our country has remained committed to its protection for nearly 50 years.
I don't just want a better deal for Britain. I want a better deal for Europe too. So I speak as British prime minister with a positive vision for the future of the European Union. A future in which Britain wants and should want to play a committed and active part.
The next few months are critical to Pakistan's future direction as a democratic state committed to promoting peace fighting terrorism and working for social justice.
We have a close unshakable bond between the United States and Israel and between the American and Israeli people. We share common values and a commitment to a democratic future for the world and we are both committed to a two-state solution. But that doesn't mean that we're going to agree.
China has been committed to the independent foreign policy of peace and has developed friendship and cooperation with all countries on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence.
I have always been a firm believer in the longstanding American principle of having the right to bear arms and I will remain committed to see that this freedom is not infringed upon revoked or limited in any way.
And what do Democrats stand for if they are so ready to defame concerned citizens as the 'mob' - a word betraying a Marie Antoinette delusion of superiority to ordinary mortals. I thought my party was populist attentive to the needs and wishes of those outside the power structure. And as a product of the 1960s I thought the Democratic party was passionately committed to freedom of thought and speech.
As the proud father of two teens and past Chairman to the Presidents Council on Physical Fitness and Sports I am committed to educating parents and especially young people on ways to live a long healthy and active life.
We had an interesting thing at that first dinner. It was prior to the availability of several new hotels in Los Angeles and we were more or less committed to the old Ambassador Hotel that has the famous Coconut Grove.
Most Evangelicals claim to be politically non-partisan and say they only identify with the Republican Party because the Republicans are committed to 'family values.'
I can't really put it in one sentence because although on one hand Preacher is about faith and yes it is also about I suppose the search for God the search for faith and the manipulation and the abuse committed by figures in whom I suppose people have faith.
There is a dark side in all of us. And for us 'bad' people, the bad side dominates. I think there is a great sadness in villains, and I have tried to put that across. We cannot stop ourselves doing what we are doing.
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