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Protecting the institution of marriage safeguards I believe the American family.
My parents were French and Irish and our family even has Spanish blood-and I do so love the United States and consider myself part American.
I think that in a year I may retire. I cannot take my money with me when I die and I wish to enjoy it with my family while I live. I should prefer living in Germany to any other country though I am an American and am loyal to my country.
The Hispanic community understands the American Dream and have not forgotten what they were promised - that in the U.S. a free market system allows us all to succeed economically achieve stability and security for your family and leave your children better off than yourselves.
Nixon was the most dishonest individual I have ever met in my life. He lied to his wife his family his friends his colleagues in the Congress lifetime members of his own political party the American people and the world.
In my family we were Americans we were Republicans and we were Methodists.
Now is the moment when we can stand up and say 'I'm an American. I make my destiny. And we deserve better! My children deserve better! My family deserves better. My country deserves better!' So here we stand. Americans have a choice.
In the richest country in the history of the world this Obama economy has crushed the middle class. Family income has fallen by $4 0 but health insurance premiums are higher food prices are higher utility bills are higher and gasoline prices have doubled. Today more Americans wake up in poverty than ever before.
But let me perfectly clear because I know you'll hear the same old claims that rolling back these tax breaks means a massive tax increase on the American people: if your family earns less than $250 000 a year you will not see your taxes increased a single dime. I repeat: not one single dime.
Millions of Americans find community comfort and support in their faith.
Americans are fascinated by their own love of shopping. This does not make them unique. It's just that they have more to buy than most other people on the planet. And it's also an affirmation of faith in their country.
Our first responsibility is to protect the American people and we cannot put on blinders to expect that everyone who seeks asylum does so in good faith.
So when the only domestic social policy is tax cuts that mostly benefit the wealthiest Americans we say 'Where is faith being put into action here?'
The solid middle-class values of hard work responsibility family community and faith my father talked about tirelessly from Iowa to New York he lived at home. The hopes he had for his family and for me he had for all Americans. I think Americans understood this.
Of course Americans have no monopoly of patriotic enthusiasm and good faith.
Democrats can neither control nor predict whether our GOP counterparts are really ready to play chicken with the U.S. economy. But we can assure the American people that our party takes the nation's faith and credit seriously.
I think the American people understandably have sort of lost faith in the United Nations.
Notwithstanding these setbacks the dream of a beautiful American orchestra goes on and I share Dr. King's faith that each year we move inexorably closer to a magnificent opening night.
Republican values - strong families faith personal responsibility and freedom among others - are not unique to specific subsets of the electorate. They are universal values and it is Republicans' job to remind Americans of that fact.
The question Americans should ask is not whether a candidate is affiliated with a particular faith but rather whether that candidate's faith makes it more likely he or she will support policies that align with their values.
I have great faith in the intelligence of the American viewer and reader to put two and two together and come up with four.
I had faith in the concept and the theory that all Americans are endowed with the right to a fair trial and I would be fairly judged and fairly tried.
I had very supportive parents that made the way for me even at a time when there were very few women - no women really maybe two or three women - and very few fewer than that African-American women heading in this direction so there were very few people to look up to. You just had to have faith.
Earmarks have become a symbol of a Congress that has broken faith with the people. This earmark ban shows the American people we are listening and we are dead serious about ending business as usual in Washington.
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