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I wake up some mornings and sit and have my coffee and look out at my beautiful garden and I go 'Remember how good this is. Because you can lose it.'

The secret to success is good leadership and good leadership is all about making the lives of your team members or workers better.

If you stand up and be counted from time to time you may get yourself knocked down. But remember this: A man flattened by an opponent can get up again. A man flattened by conformity stays down for good.

It makes my heart sick when I remember all the good words and the broken promises.

No one would remember the Good Samaritan if he'd only had good intentions he had money as well.

A good thing to remember is somebody's got it a lot worse than we do.

Put your mind on the gospel. And remember - there's one God for all.

Outside the kingdom of the Lord there is no nation which is greater than any other. God and history will remember your judgment.

Assuredly Loving Souls you should go to God with all humility and respect humbling yourselves in His presence especially when you remember your past ingratitude and sins.

An apology for the devil: it must be remembered that we have heard one side of the case. God has written all the books.

God's plan for enlarging His kingdom is so simple - one person telling another about the Savior. Yet we're busy and full of excuses. Just remember someone's eternal destiny is at stake. The joy you'll have when you meet that person in heaven will far exceed any discomfort you felt in sharing the gospel.

God gave us memory so that we might have roses in December.

There was my name up in lights. I said 'God somebody's made a mistake.' But there it was in lights. And I sat there and said 'Remember you're not a star.' Yet there it was up in lights.

After all God is God because he remembers.

While I know myself as a creation of God I am also obligated to realize and remember that everyone else and everything else are also God's creation.

Remember that children marriages and flower gardens reflect the kind of care they get.

Let us make future generations remember us as proud ancestors just as today we remember our forefathers.

I deeply believe that if the Australian Labor Party a party of which I have been a proud member for more than 30 years is to have the best future for our nation then it must change fundamentally its culture and to end the power of faceless men. Australia must be governed by the people not by the factions.

It is our job as members of parliament to legislate with an eye to the long term future to look over the horizon beyond the next election and ensure that as far as we can what we do today will make Australia a better place a safer place for future generations to live in.

Instead of causing us to remember the past like the old monuments the new monuments seem to cause us to forget the future.

Every year I am reminded of the kids who aren't in the freshman class and aren't graduating. I remember every single one of them. That is the worst of times for me to see the future snuffed out.

In Iroquois society leaders are encouraged to remember seven generations in the past and consider seven generations in the future when making decisions that affect the people.

If the euro zone doesn't come up with a comprehensive vision of its own future you'll have a whole range of nationalist xenophobic and extreme movements increasing across the European Union. And frankly questions about the British debate on EU membership will just be a small sideshow compared to the rise of political populism.

We need the help of other member countries and leaders who like us want to see a change in Europe's direction. That's also my logic when I tell voters that electing me president will not only shape France's future but also initiate change across all of Europe.

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What we have once enjoyed we can never lose. All that we love deeply becomes a part of us.

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