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Understand how temporary emotions truly are.
Understand that emotion embodies a psychological reaction to circumstance that has occurred, is occurring, or is slated to occur.
If we do not have a basis by which we encounter undesirable outcomes, we will not come to understand the prerequisites of obtaining desirable outcomes.
The key to adopting novelty is to understand what it entails: introduction of unplanned choices or pursuits.
There are consequences to every action I take, but that does not keep me from acting. It motivates me to choose wisely, to be responsible, and understand the power that I have within me.
Some people need to have someone to say, I love you, and I support you. Let us make an effort to understand the despair, weariness, and distress they are going through. When a person's soul contains more scars than life, they feel the side effects of dying from within. We must have compassion, pray faithfully for those adjusted to the darkness, and empathize with their emotions for more significant support for their wellbeing.
It isn't about being the most powerful person or the person who has the most knowledge. It isn't about being the oldest person, or the strongest person, or the person who makes all the right decisions. Sometimes it's about being the person who decides to stand up and fight.
If I am remembered for anything, I want it to be for this: that throughout my entire life, I was deeply sensitive. Sensitive to feelings, words and surroundings. Sensitive to people, places and things. The smallest of things make me emotional in this world. It could be a memory, a truthful face, or a flash of childhood; it could be the smile of a stranger or the openness of the sky. And throughout my life I saw it as an isolating difference. But in my maturity as a man I've discovered my sensitivity is a liberating gift. Because I feel deeply about things. I feel deeply about people. About doing right. About keeping my word. Seeing others achieve. Seeing loved ones grows. I am sensitive to the feelings of the less fortunate, the few, and those struggling. And whenever I get so angry about the world or how people treat each other, I burn bitterly and fierce. Yet, when that flame extinguishes what is left is what is greatest of me; the slow moving tide of my heart. That tide is kind. It is understanding. It is calm. And it is the central moving force in my soul and the rhythm that I am and that I always return to: my sensitivity. I've always been this way. Since I was a boy. Now I am a man and I don't take anything less than pride in it. Because I have found that the tiniest of moments, memories, smiles, dreams and people can make the most emotional impact on me, and the lives of others. And what this brings me all back to is what I what I understand: I have found that I feel more, I care more, and I want people to be more. And that is why I have decided that I must love more. But if I'm remembered for anything - over my laugh, my love or my wonderous beautiful life, I want it to be for my sensitivity. And that I believe that true greatness in the depths of any man, woman or child, is a place of care, consideration and true sensitivity.
Every day has its opportunities for prosperity. Be courageous and stand in faith with God, shifting your focus away from fear so that you can have a better perception of what God has planned for your future. Trust the process with self-confidence, continue your journey, and positively transform with your passion for life.
"I'm learning daily the walk that comes with the talk, can bear a heavy burden. Being a leader, a mentor, a STRONG WOMAN, means you will be tested, challenged, embattled. You don't get to just say you are "tough" and "no-nonsense" and declare you are not taking crap. You better be ready to withstand the shots that come with it. People aren't just gonna get out of your way or respect you simply because you say you are "that chick". You better be ready to defend that crown and protect it too! In the end, when you know you've stood for something, you protected your dignity, you can share the lessons because you live by what you teach, and you inspired someone to be true to who they are and to take control of their destiny and walk into their strength and greatness., you will understand why it is so important for you to shoulder the struggles. Your purpose is greater than the discomfort of hard knocks. In the end, owning all that is empowering is worth the price of admission.
Here is a truth that may take a while to grasp fully, Cali, even though it is the foundation of the human condition: in this world, appearances notwithstanding, there is only choice.
...I love dandelions. They make me feel like sunshine itself, and you will always see some creature resting on an open bloom, if you have a little patience to wait. This vital source for all emerging pollinators is a blast of uplifting yellow to brighten even the greyest of days. It stands tall and proud, unlike all the others opening and swaying in the breeze. The odd one out.
"Great benefit can be found in celebrating those who inspire through divine perserverance and strength, when everyone would understand if they gave up.
If people don't understand what's going on in my head, it's probably because I've yet to craft the words to place it in theirs.
Sometimes you feel that you are losing everything and nothing is working as per your expectations and this is the time when you need to understand that somewhere someone is working for your dreams and soon everything will be better
Do not apologize for having standards
Thus Adelaide Lee was born of poor luck and poverty and raised by ignorance and solitude. Let this ignoble origin story stand as an invaluable lesson to you that a person's beginnings do not often herald their endings, for Adelaide Lee did not grow into another pale Larson woman. She became something else entirely, something so radiant and wild and fierce that a single world could not contain her, and she was obliged to find others.
The game of SUCCESS reminds us to raise our own bar, understand that nothing is permanent and silence can still be heard.
"Understanding how you are is understanding who you are.
Be yourself, stand out and stop trying to fit in.
I hunched under that table wondering how I got to this point. Wasn't I supposed to be a writer, rubbing elbows at poetry conferences with Mary Ruefle and Kim Addonizio? Wasn't I supposed to be spending these late spring months at retreats wearing woven island commune hippie clothes designed by women named Star? Having Evan changed all that. This was a direction I never expected. This is supposed to be the meantime-teaching in a public school so that I could make money, get my graduate degrees, and move on to my real calling. The one where I learn, create, and pub- lish. The one where I'm not huddled under standard issue cafeteria tables contemplating the best place to run when gunfire broke out. The one where somebody else is responsible for the welfare of these children surrounding me. The one where I don't give a shit.
In the past, I used to think that it is fundamental and natural to have everything. But I realized that is not true. Instead I realized that those are things to be grateful for. After that realization, I became comfortable. Even if I don't have it I am grateful. Such a realization also made me understand that is a way to love myself.
We sometimes have a flash of understanding that amounts to the insight of genius, and yet it slowly withers, even in our hands - like a flower. The form remains, but the colours and the fragrance are gone.
"And me, standing under the splintered night
The United States is the most innovative country in the world. But our leadership could slip away if we fail to properly fund primary secondary and higher education.
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