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The day of fortune is like a harvest day, We must be busy when the corn is ripe.
It is like the seed put in the soil - the more one sows, the greater the harvest.
How can people trust the harvest, unless they see it sown?
In seed time learn, in harvest teach, in winter enjoy.
The thankful receiver bears a plentiful harvest.
Pollution is nothing but the resources we are not harvesting. We allow them to disperse because we've been ignorant of their value.
Care less for your harvest than for how it is shared and your life will have meaning and your heart will have peace.
And Fall, with her yeller harvest moon and the hills growin' brown and golden under a sinkin' sun.
When families save, they can get through emergencies like a bad harvest or a medical emergency. But it's more than that. They can also plan for the future, gradually saving up for a small business or for their children's school tuition.
I know how to set an irrigation tube, and I helped with the harvest. I learned the law of the harvest without even knowing I was learning it. On the farm, you learn early that you reap what you sow.
Reason clears and plants the wilderness of the imagination to harvest the wheat of art.
History proves that those who seed extremist ideologies reap a bitter harvest.
Happiness is the harvest of a quiet eye.
It is only the farmer who faithfully plants seeds in the Spring, who reaps a harvest in the Autumn.
I did this book 'Harvest for Hope,' and I learned so much about food. And one thing I learned is that we have the guts not of a carnivore, but of an herbivore. Herbivore guts are very long because they have to get the last bit of nutrition out of leaves and things.
I am proud to have been born in Iowa. Through the eyes of a ten-year-old boy, it was a place of adventure and daily discoveries - the wonder of the growing crops, the excitements of the harvest, the journeys to the woods for nuts and hunting, the joys of snowy winters, the comfort of the family fireside, of good food and tender care.
Our deep respect for the land and its harvest is the legacy of generations of farmers who put food on our tables, preserved our landscape, and inspired us with a powerful work ethic.
Talk unbelief, and you will have unbelief; but talk faith, and you will have faith. According to the seed sown will be the harvest.
Determining the value of individual texts has been an ideological scuffle in literary criticism for centuries: but the environmental cost of printing them hauls this dispute from the ivory tower into day-to-day decision-making. Is it right to write? The publishing industry is slowly beginning to commit to using sustainably harvested trees.
Theories cannot claim to be indestructible. They are only the plough which the ploughman uses to draw his furrow and which he has every right to discard for another one, of improved design, after the harvest.
Racism and injustice and violence sweep our world, bringing a tragic harvest of heartache and death.
November is auspicious in so many parts of the country: the rice harvest is already in, the weather starts to cool, and the festive glow which precedes Christmas has began to brighten the landscape.
What we plant in the soil of contemplation, we shall reap in the harvest of action.
Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later.
I have been called a nun with a switchblade where my privacy is concerned. I think there's a point where one says that's for family that's for me.
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