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Search For marriage In Quotes 1946

Poor people have to pay high rents to marriage halls for conducting functions like wedding. Therefore, to benefit them, I have directed constructing 'Amma Marriage Halls.'

Well we thought a church wedding would be possible. It certainly would be possible in the Catholic church because after all my first marriage had been annulled by Pope Paul VI. The problem arose in that Prince Michael could not have Catholic children.

He is a Hindu NRI and I am a Christian, so I did a court marriage and had a Catholic wedding. The wedding was intimate with just family members.

My wedding preparations were done. My wedding outfit was ready. I had even bought my jewellery, and the cards were also printed. It is very sad that I had to call off my marriage one month prior to the actual date.

In any family, the joy of a wedding must be tinged with a little anxiety. So many marriages fail. Luckily, people often get over such traumas. But for the Royal Family, marriages carry the gravest dangers.

In Italy, they say rain on your wedding day is symbolic of fresh beginnings, cleansing, a pure marriage, and also a wet knot that can't be untied.

Young people: marry simply, start your life, and party later. Think of how much babysitting for your future colicky baby you could buy with that wedding budget. Think of how much marriage therapy you could buy. Invest in your marriage, not your wedding.

I once accidentally 'replied all' and sent an email complaining about my then-boyfriend to a bunch of strangers. It was meant for my friend who was a bride, but I ended up addressing her entire wedding party. Her marriage lasted; my relationship didn't.

When I was little, I watched a lot of Disney movies - so I always imagined a big fairytale wedding as a kid. But when marriage became real, I felt an intimate wedding with close family and friends would be better.

I'm definitely willing to film it for sure. I feel like I've taken people on this incredible journey on 'Total Divas' and 'Total Bellas.' They have seen me cry, get angry, and be so many different ways about marriage. I feel like for my fan base, my Bella Army, I should let them tune in to my wedding.

Prop 8 did something that no other state in the history of this country has done. It took away the rights of people that already were legally affirmed. Imagine someone putting something on the ballot saying your wedding, your marriage is no longer valid.

I am happy. I have a wonderful marriage. I was in a not-great second marriage for 20 years, then I fell in love with Steve, my first husband, again, and we remarried. I wore the dress from our first wedding in 1982 - it was tight, but I could get into it.

Just because marriage didn't work for us doesn't mean we don't believe in the institution. Just because our own marital track records are mixed doesn't mean our hearts don't lift at the sight of our daughters' Tiffany-blue wedding invitations.

It's not that I think weddings - or marriages - are letdowns. It's just that I want to see my wedding as one awesome achievement on a continuum of achievements, all of which were, in their way, just as beautiful and profound for having led me to the current one.

As I grew up and began identifying myself as a feminist, there were plenty of issues that continued to make me question marriage: the father 'giving' the bride away, women taking their husband's last name, the white dress, the vows promising to 'obey' the groom. And that only covers the wedding.

I would absolutely, definitely never sell my wedding pictures to a magazine. I'd like it to be a special day, not a photo shoot. And once you've done that, your marriage becomes everybody else's business.

If I felt, in the event of a royal wedding, inspired to write about people coming together in marriage or civil partnership, I would just be grateful to have an idea for the poem. And if I didn't, I'd ignore it.

When widows exclaim loudly against second marriages, I would always lay a wager than the man, If not the wedding day, is absolutely fixed on.

The press is just not your friend when it comes to a marriage. That's why we didn't sell the pictures of our wedding, and we got offered millions of dollars for them, millions.

I don't know nothing about no marriages or nothing. I ain't even never been to a wedding.

Usually, Valentine's Day comes and goes with just a day or two of news media attention to courtship and marriage.

Especially around Valentine's Day, it's easy to find advice about sustaining a successful marriage, with suggestions for 'date nights' and romantic dinners for two. But as we spend more and more of our lives outside marriage, it's equally important to cultivate the skills of successful singlehood.

I am thankful that my career didn't see a road block due to my marriage, which in some cases we have heard that women can't do good work after marriage and that's not true.

I was sent to a nice Church of England girls' school and at that time, after university, a woman was expected to become a teacher, a nurse or a missionary - prior to marriage.

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People assume that computers will do everything that humans do. Not good. People are different from each other and they are all really different from computers.

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